Published Survey
Submission Number: 4142
Submission ID: 90
Submission UUID: d2b2ef3b-fa7b-42e4-8f2d-e3f014e681ca
Submission URI: /publishedsurvey

Created: Fri, 09/13/2019 - 15:04
Completed: Tue, 06/11/2024 - 16:34
Changed: Tue, 11/19/2024 - 11:43

Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English

Is draft: No
Current page: Complete
Submitted to: Published Survey

serial: '4142'
sid: '90'
uuid: d2b2ef3b-fa7b-42e4-8f2d-e3f014e681ca
uri: /node/32
created: '1568401497'
completed: '1718138069'
changed: '1732034594'
in_draft: '0'
current_page: webform_confirmation
uid: '403'
langcode: en
webform_id: pharmd_schooldirectory
entity_type: node
entity_id: '32'
locked: '0'
sticky: '0'
notes: ''
    - contact_email:
      contact_extension: ''
      contact_name: 'Abigale Matulewicz, Pharm.D.'
      contact_office: 'VCU School of Pharmacy, Office of Admissions & Student Success'
      contact_title: 'Associate Dean for Admissions & Strategic Engagement'
      contact_work: 804-828-3000
    - ''
    - 'Yes'
    - 'Yes'
    - 'Inova Campus - Fairfax, VA'
    - 'Geographically dispersed campuses'
    - 'Yes'
    - 'Yes'
    - 'Yes'
    - 'Yes'
    - 'Yes'
    - 'Yes'
    - pre_courseqtr: '6'
      pre_coursesem: '4'
      pre_coursesubject: 'Biology/Biological Science'
      pre_coursetitle: 'General Biology I with Laboratory'
    - pre_courseqtr: '6'
      pre_coursesem: '4'
      pre_coursesubject: 'Biology/Biological Science'
      pre_coursetitle: 'General Biology II with Laboratory'
    - pre_courseqtr: '4.5'
      pre_coursesem: '3'
      pre_coursesubject: Anatomy
      pre_coursetitle: 'Human Anatomy Lecture'
    - pre_courseqtr: '4.5'
      pre_coursesem: '3'
      pre_coursesubject: Physiology
      pre_coursetitle: 'Human Physiology Lecture'
    - pre_courseqtr: '4.5'
      pre_coursesem: '3'
      pre_coursesubject: Microbiology
      pre_coursetitle: 'Microbiology Lecture '
    - pre_courseqtr: '4.5'
      pre_coursesem: '3'
      pre_coursesubject: Biochemistry
      pre_coursetitle: 'Biochemistry Lecture '
    - pre_courseqtr: '6'
      pre_coursesem: '4'
      pre_coursesubject: Chemistry
      pre_coursetitle: 'General Chemistry I with Laboratory'
    - pre_courseqtr: '6'
      pre_coursesem: '4'
      pre_coursesubject: Chemistry
      pre_coursetitle: 'General Chemistry II with Laboratory'
    - pre_courseqtr: '6'
      pre_coursesem: '4'
      pre_coursesubject: Chemistry
      pre_coursetitle: 'Organic Chemistry I with Laboratory'
    - pre_courseqtr: '6'
      pre_coursesem: '4'
      pre_coursesubject: Chemistry
      pre_coursetitle: 'Organic Chemistry II with Laboratory'
    - pre_courseqtr: '6'
      pre_coursesem: '4'
      pre_coursesubject: Physics
      pre_coursetitle: 'General Physics I with Laboratory'
    - pre_courseqtr: '4.5'
      pre_coursesem: '3'
      pre_coursesubject: Math
      pre_coursetitle: Calculus
    - pre_courseqtr: '4.5'
      pre_coursesem: '3'
      pre_coursesubject: Statistics
      pre_coursetitle: Statistics
    - pre_courseqtr: '9'
      pre_coursesem: '6'
      pre_coursesubject: 'English Composition / Writing'
      pre_coursetitle: English
    - 'Yes'
    - 'Yes'
  tests_other_text: {  }
    - 'Yes'
    - 'Yes'
    - 'Yes'
    - 'Yes'
    - 'US Citizens'
    - 'US Permanent Residents'
    - 'US Temporary Residents'
    - 'Canadian Citizens'
    - 'Foreign (non-US) Citizens with a Visa'
    - 'Foreign (non-US) Citizens'
    - 'Other Non-Citizens (e.g. DACA Students)'
  post_bs_program_offered: {  }
    - 'Yes'
    - 'Yes'
    - '2025-08-18'
    - 'Yes'
    - 'Yes'
    - '90'
  aacp_institution_number: '6900'
  ac_cpr: 'No'
  ac_deposit_details: 'A $500 enrollment deposit is required and is nonrefundable. The deposit is applied to the first tuition bill.'
  ac_deposit_radio: 'Yes'
  ac_deposit_refundable: 'No'
  ac_firstday: 'In-person required orientation for first-year students is tentatively scheduled for August 11-15, 2025.'
  acad_health: 'Yes'
  academic_term_type_2: 'Semester (2 terms per academic year)'
  academic_term_type_other_2: ''
  accred_status: '1'
  active: 'Yes'
  admin_status: Published
  ao_alternate_pathways: 'Yes'
  ao_alternate_pathways_other: ''
  ao_complete_bach: 'No'
  ao_complete_bachelor: ''
  ao_early_assurance: 'No'
  ao_ug_affiliation: 'Yes'
  application_deadline_description: ''
  application_fee: ''
  banner_image: darker_rectangle_banner.png
  cag_aacp: 'No'
  cbc_radio: 'Yes'
    format: restricted_html
    value: '<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>'
  college_or_school_name: 'School of Pharmacy'
  course_prerequisites_link: ''
  credit_hour_policies: 'International coursework must be evaluated by WES or ECE for credit and GPA equivalency. Those reports should be sent directly to PharmCAS.'
  crit_gpa_info: ''
  crit_mingpa: N/A
  crit_prereqgpa: N/A
  curriculum_other: ''
  drug_radio: 'No'
  dual_conc_radio: 'No'
  dual_concurrent: 'More information about our dual degree offerings can be found at the following website: '
  dual_deg: 'Yes'
  dual_oth_desc: ''
  final_deadline_date: 'May 1, 2025'
  for_fc_radio: 'Yes'
  for_other: 'Our program only accepts foreign transcript evaluations done by WES. The WES report should be sent directly to PharmCAS so that it is included as part of your overall application.'
  for_policy_radio: '1'
  foreign_pharmacist_additional_info: |-
    VCU School of Pharmacy does not provide any assistance with the FPGEC certification process.

    Foreign-educated pharmacists are encouraged to apply for and complete our entry-level, four-year Doctor of Pharmacy program and are expected to meet the standard international student Pharm.D. admission requirements, including WES transcript evaluation and minimum competency TOEFL score.  
  foreign_pharmacists_to_entry_level_program: 'Yes'
  institution_name: 'Virginia Commonwealth University'
  interview_link: ''
  interview_process: 'Applicants selected for an interview will be contacted by phone to arrange an on-site or virtual interview appointment. A typical interview session includes an overview of VCU School of Pharmacy; a tour of the school and campus; panel opportunities with current students and our faculty and alumni; interviews; and a written assessment.'
  lor_acc_radio: 'Yes'
  lor_c1a_radio: Accepted
  lor_c1b_text: ''
  lor_c1c_radio: Varies
  lor_c2a_radio: Accepted
  lor_c2b_text: ''
  lor_c2c_radio: Varies
  lor_details: |-
    Applicants are required to submit three (3) evaluations to the PharmCAS system in order for their application to be considered complete. These evaluations should ideally be completed by a:
    1. Faculty member, professor or adviser (preferably in the sciences)
    2. Health care professional (preferably a pharmacist)
    3. Supervisor

    Due to the fact that the Pharm.D. program is science intensive, it is in every applicant's best interest to receive a recommendation from an individual that can truly speak to their pursuits in that area.
    Clergy: 'NO ANSWER'
    Co-Worker: 'NO ANSWER'
    Employer: ACCEPTED
    'Faculty Advisor': ACCEPTED
    'Family Member': 'NOT ACCEPTED'
    Friend: 'NOT ACCEPTED'
    'Health Care Professional': ACCEPTED
    Politician: 'NO ANSWER'
    'Pre-Health Advisor': ACCEPTED
    'Professor (Any Subject Area)': ACCEPTED
    'Professor (Liberal Arts)': ACCEPTED
    'Professor (Math)': ACCEPTED
    'Professor (Science)': 'RECOMMENDED BUT NOT REQUIRED'
    'Teaching Assistant': 'NO ANSWER'
  lor_num_radio: '3'
  nonp_deadline: ''
  notify_title: ''
  old_id: '496'
    'Non-Science Course Prerequisites': 'Yes'
    'Science Course Prerequisites with Labs': 'Yes'
    'Science Course Prerequisites without Labs ': 'Yes'
  online_classes_open_text: 'Any online prerequisite coursework must be completed at an accredited college or university.'
  online_interview_option: '1'
    'Non-Science Course Prerequisites': 'Yes, but only if no letter grade option available'
    'Science Course Prerequisites with Labs': 'Yes, but only if no letter grade option available'
    'Science Course Prerequisites without Labs ': 'Yes, but only if no letter grade option available'
  pass_fail_classes_open_text: "Applicants are expected to pursue standard letter grading format for all prerequisite courses. Pass/fail grading is accepted only for prerequisite courses taken during the COVID-19 pandemic (i.e. Spring 2020 - Spring 2021), where pass/fail was offered officially as part of a college or university's course grading policy."
  pd_deg_pref: 'Not Required'
  phar_observation: NR
  phar_other_info: 'Prospective students are encouraged to pursue pharmacy shadowing or work experiences; however, they are not required for admission.'
    format: restricted_html
    value: |
      <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

      <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

      <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

      <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

      <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  post_bs_additional_info: ''
  post_bs_degree_abroad: 'No'
  pre_basic_hrs: '40'
  pre_complete: 'All prerequisites must be completed before the start of the first-year fall semester (typically mid-August) and all offers of admission are contingent on successful completion of the courses listed above.'
  pre_other: |-
    Students with questions about course prerequisites can reach out to VCU's Office of Admission & Student Success at for guidance.

    Due to the importance of a strong biomedical science foundation in the Doctor of Pharmacy degree program, some or all of the courses listed below are highly recommended, though not required: immunology, cell biology, genetics, molecular biology.
  pre_pharmacy_coursework_options: '2 years'
  pre_pharmacy_coursework_other: ''
  pre_quarter: '78'
  pre_quarter_science: '60'
  pre_semester: '52'
  priority_deadline_incentives: 'The Nov. 1 priority deadline is non-binding and encouraged for all applicants who consider VCU their first choice pharmacy institution. Since applications are reviewed by the admissions committee in the order in which they are received, it is advantageous to submit application materials as early as possible. Applicants that submit by the Nov. 1 deadline will receive priority consideration for interview dates and admissions scholarships.'
  program_description: |-
    According to U.S. News & World Report, VCU School of Pharmacy is one of the Top 20 Pharm.D. programs in the United States. Located in the heart of Richmond, Virginia, our program provides students the opportunity to learn from dynamic faculty in a welcoming and inclusive environment that will expose them to individuals of differing perspectives, life experiences and cultural backgrounds. As one of 18 health science centers in the United States, the school's location right next door to the VCU Health System offers Pharm.D. students tremendous opportunities for interprofessional education and collaboration alongside students from VCU's Schools of Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing, Population Health and College of Health Professions.

    Our four-year Next Generation Pharmacist curriculum offers students an exceptional balance of practice and community engagement alongside basic and applied pharmaceutical research, creating pharmacists who are poised to be on the forefront of health care innovation. We have several dual degree programs, including Pharm.D./M.B.A., Pharm.D./M.P.H. and Pharm.D./Ph.D., alongside certificate and concentration offerings, allowing our students to forge their own paths in pharmacy with focused training in areas of interest on top of their core Pharm.D. learning. We were one of the first schools in the country to offer a four-day class schedule, with Mondays reserved for our students to pursue self-care, volunteering, 1:1 meetings with faculty, or pharmacy employment opportunities.

    More information about our program, curriculum and students can be found here:
  program_location: VA
  program_structure: '4 years'
  pubpriv_inst: Public
  res_otherpref_radio: 'No'
  res_otherpref_text: ''
  res_statepref_radio: 'No'
  sa_details: 'A supplemental application is required only for invited interview candidates. The application will be provided following the scheduling of an interview.'
  sa_fee_instructions: ''
  sa_fee_radio: 'No'
  sa_fee_text: ''
  sa_link: ''
  sa_radio: 'Yes'
  school_city: Richmond
  school_country: US
  school_state: VA
  school_street_1: 'VCU School of Pharmacy, Office of Admissions & Student Success'
  school_street_2: '410 N 12th St'
  school_street_3: 'P.O. Box 980581'
  school_zip: '23298'
  seats_target_available_in_upcoming_class: '100'
  short_name: 'Virginia Commonwealth U'
  stats_classsize: '100'
  stats_early: '3'
  stats_last_filled_seats: '82'
  tests_other_radio: 'No'
  tests_other_tests: ''
  tests_tt_radio: 'Yes'
  tests_tt_text: 'A recent TOEFL score (within the last two years) must be submitted to PharmCAS for applicants who have a language other than English as their first language AND who have resided in the U.S.A. for fewer than 10 years. We also recommend a TOEFL score for those who show a deficiency in English. A minimum score of 80 on the TOEFL iBT is required.'
  what_is_the_priority_application_deadline_for_your_program_: 'November 1, 2024'
  yes_phar_observation: ''