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Submission Number: 4135
Submission ID: 83
Submission UUID: 7d893afc-2d6e-49a5-b6a0-246e399eb744
Submission URI: /publishedsurvey
Submission Update: /publishedsurvey?token=PUaoi0FlVNMYKd5zKxYt3_6rzNZah1eQU5q0-CkGzpI
Created: Mon, 09/02/2019 - 21:50
Completed: Tue, 05/21/2024 - 12:15
Changed: Mon, 02/10/2025 - 09:22
Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English
Is draft: No
Current page: Complete
Webform: Pharm.D. School Directory
Submitted to: Published Survey
serial: '4135' sid: '83' uuid: 7d893afc-2d6e-49a5-b6a0-246e399eb744 uri: /node/32 created: '1567475431' completed: '1716308155' changed: '1739197361' in_draft: '0' current_page: webform_confirmation remote_addr: uid: '403' langcode: en webform_id: pharmd_schooldirectory entity_type: node entity_id: '32' locked: '0' sticky: '0' notes: '' data: contact: - contact_email: contact_extension: '' contact_name: 'Dr. Amy Diepenbrock' contact_office: 'Office of Student Affairs ' contact_title: 'Associate Dean ' contact_work: 210-883-1000 - contact_email: contact_extension: '' contact_name: 'Mrs. Liz Hernandez' contact_office: 'Office of Student Affairs' contact_title: 'Assistant Director of Student Services' contact_work: 210-883-1000 contact_website: - '' contact_info_done: - 'Yes' program_deadline_done: - 'Yes' satellite_text: { } ao_alternate_pathways_yes: { } program_info_done: - 'Yes' last_entering_class_done: - 'Yes' upcoming_entering_class_done: - 'Yes' dual_deg_checkboxes: - DUAL_DEG_MAA - DUAL_DEG_MBA dual_degrees_done: - 'Yes' program_description_done: - 'Yes' gpa_criteria_done: - 'Yes' list_of_course_prerequisites: - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: Chemistry pre_coursetitle: 'General Chemistry I ' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '1' pre_coursesubject: Chemistry pre_coursetitle: 'General Chemistry I lab ' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: Chemistry pre_coursetitle: 'General Chemistry II ' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '1' pre_coursesubject: Chemistry pre_coursetitle: 'General Chemistry II lab ' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: Chemistry pre_coursetitle: 'Organic Chemistry I ' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '1' pre_coursesubject: Chemistry pre_coursetitle: 'Organic Chemistry I lab ' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: Chemistry pre_coursetitle: 'Organic Chemistry II ' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '1' pre_coursesubject: Chemistry pre_coursetitle: 'Organic Chemistry II lab ' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: Physics pre_coursetitle: 'Physics I ' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '1' pre_coursesubject: Physics pre_coursetitle: 'Physics I lab ' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: Math pre_coursetitle: 'Calculus ' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: Statistics pre_coursetitle: 'Probability & Statistics ' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: 'Biology/Biological Science' pre_coursetitle: 'General Biology II ' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '1' pre_coursesubject: 'Biology/Biological Science' pre_coursetitle: 'General Biology II lab ' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: Microbiology pre_coursetitle: Microbiology - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '1' pre_coursesubject: Microbiology pre_coursetitle: 'Microbiology lab ' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: 'Anatomy & Physiology' pre_coursetitle: 'Human Anatomy & Physiology I ' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '1' pre_coursesubject: 'Anatomy & Physiology' pre_coursetitle: 'Human Anatomy & Physiology I lab ' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: 'Anatomy & Physiology' pre_coursetitle: 'Human Anatomy & Physiology II ' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '1' pre_coursesubject: 'Anatomy & Physiology' pre_coursetitle: 'Human Anatomy & Physiology II lab ' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: 'English Composition / Writing' pre_coursetitle: 'English Composition I ' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: 'English Composition / Writing' pre_coursetitle: 'English Composition II ' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: Humanities pre_coursetitle: Literature - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: Humanities pre_coursetitle: 'Fine Arts (any) ' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: Humanities pre_coursetitle: 'Philosophy (any) ' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: Humanities pre_coursetitle: 'History (any) ' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: 'Social/Behavioral Science' pre_coursetitle: 'Social Science (any) ' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: 'Communication / Speech (Verbal)' pre_coursetitle: 'Public Speaking' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '2' pre_coursesubject: 'General Elective(s)' pre_coursetitle: Elective course_prereqs_done: - 'Yes' supplemental_materials_done: - 'Yes' tests_other_text: { } pcat_and_other_tests_done: - 'Yes' observation_hours_done: - 'Yes' evaluations_done: - 'Yes' residency_done: - 'Yes' for_cc_radio: - 'US Citizens' - 'US Permanent Residents' - 'US Temporary Residents' - 'Canadian Citizens' - 'Foreign (non-US) Citizens with a Visa' - 'Foreign (non-US) Citizens' - 'Other Non-Citizens (e.g. DACA Students)' post_bs_program_offered: { } international_applicants_done: - 'Yes' interview_format: - INTERVIEW_MULM interviews_done: - 'Yes' ac_first_date: - '2025-08-11' accepted_applicants_done: - 'Yes' background_checks_done: - 'Yes' sids: - '83' aacp_institution_number: '6650' ac_cpr: 'No' ac_deposit_details: "A $600 deposit is required within two weeks after acceptance. The deposit is nonrefundable. Once matriculated, $400 of the deposit will go into student's account for fall tuition credit." ac_deposit_radio: 'Yes' ac_deposit_refundable: 'No' ac_firstday: 'This is an estimated 2025 start date based on current calendar for 2024.' acad_health: 'No' academic_term_type_2: Block academic_term_type_other_2: '' accred_status: '1' active: 'Yes' admin_status: Published ao_alternate_pathways: 'No' ao_alternate_pathways_other: '' ao_complete_bach: 'No' ao_complete_bachelor: '' ao_early_assurance: 'Yes' ao_ug_affiliation: 'Yes' application_deadline_description: '' application_fee: '' banner_image: pharmCAS-header.jpg cag_aacp: 'No' cbc_radio: 'Yes' ci_video_embed: format: restricted_html value: '' college_or_school_name: 'Feik School of Pharmacy' course_prerequisites_link: '' credit_hour_policies: '' crit_gpa_info: 'We have a "Last Class Standing" policy, where we only accept the last class the student repeated as part of the GPA calculation for both Overall and Science/Math GPA. When the student repeats a course, we take the most recent grade and exclude the other attempts previous to the repeat. ' crit_mingpa: '2.50' crit_prereqgpa: '2.50' curriculum_other: '' drug_radio: 'No' dual_conc_radio: 'No' dual_concurrent: 'Students with a pharmacy school GPA above 3.0 are invited to apply to the MAA and MBA programs at the end of the P1 year.' dual_deg: 'Yes' dual_oth_desc: '' final_deadline_date: 'April 1, 2025' for_fc_radio: 'Yes' for_other: |- Foreign Transcripts must be verified by certified transcript translation service in English translation. Students must be able to obtain a Social Security number to be eligible for a Texas intern license. for_policy_radio: '4' foreign_pharmacist_additional_info: 'Foreign-educated pharmacists without a U.W. license are invited to apply for admission to the full Pharm.D. program, starting with the P1 class. Coursework will not be waived.' foreign_pharmacists_to_entry_level_program: 'Yes' institution_name: 'University of the Incarnate Word' interview_link: '' interview_process: 'The following activities occur on Internview Day: 1) Multiple Mini Interview 2) Critical Thinking Skills Assessment (online - 1 hour exam) 3) Spontaneous Writing Sample (30 minutes) 4) Tour of the facilities by current students 5) Student question and answer session 6) Interaction with faculty and the Dean' lor_acc_radio: 'Yes' lor_c1a_radio: Accepted lor_c1b_text: '' lor_c1c_radio: 'No' lor_c2a_radio: Accepted lor_c2b_text: '' lor_c2c_radio: 'No' lor_details: '' lor_likert: Clergy: ACCEPTED Co-Worker: ACCEPTED Employer: 'RECOMMENDED BUT NOT REQUIRED' 'Faculty Advisor': ACCEPTED 'Family Member': 'NOT ACCEPTED' Friend: 'CONDITIONALLY ACCEPTED' 'Health Care Professional': 'RECOMMENDED BUT NOT REQUIRED' Pharmacist: 'RECOMMENDED BUT NOT REQUIRED' Politician: 'CONDITIONALLY ACCEPTED' 'Pre-Health Advisor': 'RECOMMENDED BUT NOT REQUIRED' 'Professor (Any Subject Area)': ACCEPTED 'Professor (Liberal Arts)': ACCEPTED 'Professor (Math)': 'RECOMMENDED BUT NOT REQUIRED' 'Professor (Science)': 'RECOMMENDED BUT NOT REQUIRED' Supervisor: 'RECOMMENDED BUT NOT REQUIRED' 'Teaching Assistant': ACCEPTED lor_num_radio: '2' nonp_deadline: '' notify_title: '' old_id: '489' online_classes_for_prereqs: 'Non-Science Course Prerequisites': 'Yes' 'Science Course Prerequisites with Labs': Varies 'Science Course Prerequisites without Labs ': 'Yes' online_classes_open_text: '' online_interview_option: '1' pass_fail_classes_for_prereqs: 'Non-Science Course Prerequisites': Varies 'Science Course Prerequisites with Labs': Varies 'Science Course Prerequisites without Labs ': Varies pass_fail_classes_open_text: 'Due to COVID-19, we are accepting Pass/Fail grades from the spring and fall 2020 semesters and spring 2021.' pd_deg_pref: Preferred phar_observation: NR phar_other_info: '' pi_video_embed: format: restricted_html value: '<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>' post_bs_additional_info: '' post_bs_degree_abroad: 'No' pre_basic_hrs: '42' pre_complete: 'By end of Summer 1, prior to enrollment' pre_other: 'Anatomy and physiology must be human, not comparative. Many college equivalencies are listed on our website. If courses are repeated, we utilize the most recent grade in our GPA calculations. Please see for more information.' pre_pharmacy_coursework_options: '2 years' pre_pharmacy_coursework_other: '' pre_quarter: '' pre_quarter_science: '' pre_semester: '72' priority_deadline_incentives: 'All applicants meeting our minimum requirements that apply by October 1, 2024 will be guaranteed an interview.' program_description: | Mission Statement: The Feik School of Pharmacy is a learner-centered community dedicated to advancing the quality of healthcare in diverse populations. Vision Statement: To provide innovative pharmacy education and conduct scholarship guided by faith, while advancing pharmacy practice through professional development and community service. Long-Term Goals: Goal 1 – To foster diversity among students, faculty, and staff and provide a climate of inclusiveness, equity, respect for human dignity, truth, service and faith. Goal 2 – To provide innovative education and ensure competency in pharmacy, communication, critical thinking, interprofessional skills, and continued professional development. Goal 3 – To prepare students to successfully enter the pharmacy profession, including post-graduate opportunities. Goal 4 – To promote research and scholarship for faculty, staff, and students that advance scientific inquiry, pharmacy education, and patient care. Goal 5 – To recruit, retain and mentor the highest caliber students, faculty, and staff. Goal 6 – To remain abreast of healthcare trends to guide the curriculum and advocate for the profession of pharmacy. Goal 7– To cultivate an environment of wellness. The 5 Feik School of Pharmacy Tenets: Education: The school educates men and women to practice patient-centered, team-oriented pharmacy and to become concerned and enlightened citizens. Truth: The faculty and students support one another in the communication of truth. Faith: The school is committed to educational excellence in a context of faith in Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Word of God. Service: The curriculum includes a global perspective with emphasis on social justice and co-curricular activities. Innovation: The school is open to thoughtful innovation that serves all the spiritual and material needs of our community. program_location: TX program_structure: '4 years' pubpriv_inst: Private res_otherpref_radio: 'No' res_otherpref_text: '' res_statepref_radio: 'No' sa_details: '' sa_fee_instructions: '' sa_fee_radio: 'No' sa_fee_text: '' sa_link: '' sa_radio: 'No' school_city: 'San Antonio' school_country: US school_state: TX school_street_1: 'University of the Incarnate Word' school_street_2: '4301 Broadway CPO #99' school_street_3: '' school_zip: '78209' seats_target_available_in_upcoming_class: '85' short_name: 'U of the Incarnate Word' stats_classsize: '112' stats_early: '10' stats_last_filled_seats: '80' tests_other_radio: 'No' tests_other_tests: '' tests_tt_radio: 'No' tests_tt_text: '' what_is_the_priority_application_deadline_for_your_program_: 'October 1, 2024' yes_phar_observation: ''