University of Southern California
Alfred E. Mann School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Published Survey
Submission Number: 4134
Submission ID: 82
Submission UUID: f57d7996-cbc2-4e73-8643-2e69d6e79f82
Submission URI: /publishedsurvey

Created: Fri, 09/13/2019 - 14:04
Completed: Thu, 05/30/2024 - 17:33
Changed: Tue, 02/04/2025 - 11:58

Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English

Is draft: No
Current page: Complete
Submitted to: Published Survey

Active Yes
Institution Name University of Southern California
College or School Name Alfred E. Mann School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Short Name U of Southern California
Banner Image: pharmcas_banner.jpg
If you need to post a notification below your institution name, please enter it here: University of Southern California
Alfred E. Mann School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Street 1 1985 Zonal Avenue
Street 2
Street 3
City Los Angeles
State California
Zip 90089
Country United States
Program Location: California
Admissions Office Contact(s):
  • Name: Xin Gong
    Title: Associate Director of Admission
    Office: Office of Enrollment and Student Affairs
    Phone (Work): 323-442-1466
Institutional Website:
Contact Information Video:
I would like to mark this section as done. Yes
What is the final (enforced) application deadline for your program? April 1, 2025
Final Application Deadline Description:
What is the priority application deadline for your program? November 1, 2024
Describe any requirements or incentives for applicants who apply by the priority deadline.
I would like to mark this section as done. Yes
Please select the appropriate ACPE accreditation status for your institution from the list below: Full Accreditation
Satellite/Branch campuses: USC Health Sciences Campus
Does your program follow the AACP Cooperative Admissions Guidelines? No
Is your institution public or private? Private
Is your institution part of an academic health center? Yes
Select the appropriate academic term type for your program. Semester (2 terms per academic year)
What is the minimum requirement of pre-pharmacy coursework for matriculation into your professional Doctor of Pharmacy program?  2 years
Is a Baccalaureate degree required or preferred for admissions? Required
What is the structure (e.g., length) of your Pharm.D. program curriculum? 4 years
Does your program offer an Early Assurance program for admissions?  No
Does your program have affiliation or articulation agreements with undergraduate institutions for admissions? Contact the program directly for additional details.  No
Does your program offer a student the ability to complete their bachelor’s degree while enrolled in the Pharm.D. program? No
Does your program offer alternative pathways to Pharm.D. degree completion?  No
I would like to mark this section as done. Yes
Total number of Pharm.D. seats filled in the last P1 entering class: 136
I would like to mark this section as done. Yes
Target number of Pharm.D. seats for the upcoming P1 entering class: 170
Maximum number of Pharm.D. seats available in the upcoming P1 entering class: 190
Anticipated number of early assurance students advancing to the P1 year in the upcoming entering class: 165
I would like to mark this section as done. Yes
Does your institution offer a dual degree program, as defined above? Yes
If yes, check all that apply: PharmD/JD (Juris Doctor), PharmD/MBA (Business Administration), PharmD/MM (Management), PharmD/MPH (Public Health), PharmD/MS (Master of Science), PharmD/MSCR (Clinical Research), PharmD/PhD (Doctor of Philosophy), Other Dual Degrees
If other dual degrees, as defined above, please list: PharmD/Global Health
PharmD/MS Regulatory Science
PharmD/MS Healthcare Decision Analysis
PharmD/MS Gerontology
Does your institution offer a concurrent, double, or second degree program, as defined above? No
Provide any additional information regarding dual, concurrent, double, or second degree programs:
I would like to mark this section as done. Yes
Program Description Founded in 1905, the USC School of Pharmacy has established itself as a pioneer in pharmacy education and practice. The School created the nation’s first PharmD program, as well as the first clinical clerkships. Serving as testament to its tradition of innovation and excellence, the School is recognized by U.S. News & World Report as the top private pharmacy school in the nation. The School offers a breadth of opportunities, including extensive dual degrees and areas of concentration, that allow students to customize their academic path and differentiate themselves in the job market. Located in Los Angeles, the School is situated within a hub of cultural diversity and medical advancement. The School occupies state-of-the-art facilities on USC’s Health Sciences Campus, surrounded by numerous healthcare facilities. The School boasts a robust, engaged alumni network, as over half of pharmacists in Southern California are USC graduates. Through this network, students have access to over 300 sites for clinical and experiential programs, and also have the opportunity to create connections that will last them throughout their careers.
Program Description Video:
I would like to mark this section as done. Yes
Minimum Overall GPA: 3.0
Minimum Prerequisite GPA: 3.0
Provide any additional information regarding GPA policies for applicants:
Total number of college SEMESTER HOURS that must be completed prior to matriculation: 128
Total number of basic science college SEMESTER HOURS that must be completed prior to matriculation: 30
Total number of college QUARTER HOURS that must be completed prior to matriculation: 180
Total number of basic science college QUARTER HOURS that must be completed prior to matriculation: 45
Provide any additional information regarding credit hour policies for applicants:
I would like to mark this section as done. Yes
List of Course Prerequisites:
Course Subject Course Title Semester Hours (Min) Quarter Hours (Min)
Math Calculus (for science majors) 4 6
Biology/Biological Science General Biology I 4 6
Biology/Biological Science General Biology II 4 6
Physiology Human Physiology 3 4
Microbiology Microbiology (fundamentals of microbiology for science majors) 3 4
Chemistry General Chemistry I w/lab (for science majors-include inorganic & qualitative analysis) 4 6
Chemistry General Chemistry II w/lab (for science majors-include inorganic & qualitative analysis) 4 6
Chemistry Organic Chemistry I w/lab (for science majors) 4 6
Chemistry Organic Chemistry II w/lab (for science majors) 4 6
Biochemistry Biochemistry (one upper division course for science majors) 3 4
When do applicants need to complete all course prerequisites prior to enrollment (e.g. date or term)? August 15, 2025
Can applicants use online classes to fulfill the institution's course prerequisites?
  • Science Course Prerequisites with Labs: Yes
  • Science Course Prerequisites without Labs : Yes
  • Non-Science Course Prerequisites: Yes
Enter any additional information regarding online course prerequisites:
Can applicants use pass/fail classes to fulfill the institution's course prerequisites?
  • Science Course Prerequisites with Labs: Yes, but only if no letter grade option available
  • Science Course Prerequisites without Labs : Yes, but only if no letter grade option available
  • Non-Science Course Prerequisites: Yes, but only if no letter grade option available
Enter any additional information regarding pass/fail course prerequisites:
Enter any additional information regarding course prerequisites:
General Biology w/lab (excludes human anatomy & physiology, botany and microbiology), Human Physiology, Microbiology (fundamental of microbiology for science majors), General chemistry (for science majors to include inorganic & qualitative chemistry), Organic Chemistry (for science majors), Biochemistry (for science major one upper division course), Calculus, and Statistics (non-business).

Physics (thermodynamics & electromagnetism recommended), upper division Molecular Biology, Social and Behavioral Sciences - Human Behavior (General Psychology or Intro to Sociology or Cultural Anthropology) are recommended.

a) A bachelor's degree is required.
b) Minimum 3.00 cumulative grade point average (on a 4.00 scale) in all college work and prepharmacy requirements is required for consideration for an interview.
c) Two semesters and three quarters are necessary to meet a one year requirement for combined semester and quarters.
Link to additional course prerequisites information:
I would like to mark this section as done. Yes
Does your institution require applicants to submit a supplemental application or supplemental materials directly to the institution and outside of PharmCAS? No
Will your institution require a supplemental application fee? No
Provide any additional information about the supplemental application, materials, or fee requirements:
I would like to mark this section as done. Yes
Do you accept or consider any standardized tests? Do not include immunization requirement or other similar documentation requirements. Yes
If yes, select which standardized tests you accept or consider: Other
If Other, please briefly describe: International applicants are required to take the TOEFL. For more information please visit this page:
I would like to mark this section as done. Yes
Does your program require pharmacy observation hours? No
I would like to mark this section as done. Yes
Are evaluations (letters of reference) required by your institution? Yes
 If yes, how many evaluations are required? Three (3)
Please indicate your evaluation type requirements. Select all that apply.
  • Employer: ACCEPTED
  • Faculty Advisor: ACCEPTED
  • Family Member: NOT ACCEPTED
  • Pharmacist: ACCEPTED
  • Pre-Health Advisor: ACCEPTED
  • Professor (Any Subject Area): ACCEPTED
  • Professor (Liberal Arts): ACCEPTED
  • Professor (Math): ACCEPTED
  • Professor (Science): REQUIRED
  • Supervisor: ACCEPTED
  • Teaching Assistant: CONDITIONALLY ACCEPTED
What is your college/school policy on committee letters? Accepted
Does it count as more than one evaluation? No
What is your college/school policy on composite letters? Conditionally accepted
If you've selected "Conditionally Accepted," please post the criteria you require and all necessary information for the applicants. They are acceptable if they are written by faculty members whom the student have studied with.
Does it count as more than one evaluation? Varies
Provide institution specific details regarding evaluations: Requirements for the Letters of Recommendation: one letter must be from a science professor with whom you took a class and/or did research. The remaining two letters may be from professors, advisors, researchers, pharmacists or employers.
I would like to mark this section as done. Yes
Is preference given to state residents? No
Is preference given to residents of other states? No
Additional information about the program’s state residency requirements:
I would like to mark this section as done. Yes
Does your institution consider foreign citizens (excluding Canadian citizens)? Yes
Select the citizenship types eligible for admission: US Citizens, US Permanent Residents, US Temporary Residents, Canadian Citizens, Foreign (non-US) Citizens with a Visa, Foreign (non-US) Citizens, Other Non-Citizens (e.g. DACA Students)
Policy for accepting non-U.S. coursework (excluding study abroad): Send a foreign transcript evaluation report (FTER) to PharmCAS
Other clarifying information, if necessary: USC requires that applicants with international transcripts and/or degrees submit transcript evaluations using the following service: IERF (International Education Research Foundation). As PharmCAS only accepts WES evaluations, you can submit to PharmCAS either a WES evaluation for your application, or attach unofficial IERF evaluations under Documents section as “Other” document. You MUST submit an official evaluation from IERF once accepted at USC.
Non-native speakers must submit official TOEFL scores? Yes
If the TOEFL is required for non-native English speakers, provide additional details about the requirement below: International applicants are required to take the TOEFL. For more details please visit this link:
Does the institution offer a post-B.S. Pharm.D. program for current pharmacists who are already licensed in the U.S.? No
Does the institution consider foreign-educated pharmacists WITHOUT a U.S. license for admission to the entry-level Pharm.D. program? No
I would like to mark this section as done. Yes
Interview Format: Individual applicants with two or more interviewers
Does the institution offer an online interview option? Yes
Briefly describe your institution's interview process: The purpose of the interview is to assess the candidates oral and communication skills, writing skills, leadership ability, and motivation or potential to be a successful pharmacist. All applicants offered an interview will be notified two to three weeks prior to the scheduled interviews. An interview acceptance confirmation is required. Interviews are rarely rescheduled.
Link to institutional webpage for more detailed description:
I would like to mark this section as done. Yes
Is a deposit required to hold an acceptee's place in the class? Yes
Is the deposit refundable for any period of time? No
Enter details on the deposit (e.g. amount) and deposit refund policies: A $1000 Non-Refundable Commitment Deposit is due upon admission, which will be applied toward your first semester tuition.
Date of first day of classes and/or matriculation for the next entering class: 2024-08-26
Additional details for accepted applicants:
Are accepted applicants required to have CPR certification prior to matriculation? No
I would like to mark this section as done. Yes
Is your institution participating in the PharmCAS-facilitated Criminal Background Check (CBC) Service? Yes
Is your institution participating in the PharmCAS-facilitated Drug Screening Service? No
I would like to mark this section as done. Yes
Admin Status Published
old_id 488
AACP Institution Number 701