Apply early and choose your campus-Memphis, Nashville, or Knoxville
Ranked Top 20 among 140+ U.S. PharmD programs
Certificates-Nuclear Pharmacy, Rural Health, Health Informatics
47% of 2024 grads matched for PGY1 Residency (78 students) or Fellowship (4 students)
100% job seeking graduates licensed and working 3 months after graduation(2023), 90% of 2024 grads had offers by graduation
$1.6M+ awarded annually in scholarships
2024-25 Annual Tuition $23,365 In-State, $28,590 Out-of-State
Published Survey
Submission Number: 4108
Submission ID: 56
Submission UUID: 3469a2e3-3d98-4d09-9cfc-c748c673477b
Submission URI: /publishedsurvey

Created: Thu, 09/05/2019 - 13:12
Completed: Fri, 06/14/2024 - 17:04
Changed: Tue, 02/04/2025 - 08:36

Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English

Is draft: No
Current page: Complete
Submitted to: Published Survey

serial: '4108'
sid: '56'
uuid: 3469a2e3-3d98-4d09-9cfc-c748c673477b
uri: /node/32
created: '1567703579'
completed: '1718399081'
changed: '1738676166'
in_draft: '0'
current_page: webform_confirmation
uid: '403'
langcode: en
webform_id: pharmd_schooldirectory
entity_type: node
entity_id: '32'
locked: '0'
sticky: '0'
notes: ''
    - contact_email:
      contact_extension: ''
      contact_name: 'Kara Bowen, MBA'
      contact_office: 901-448-7172
      contact_title: 'Director of Admissions and Recruitment'
      contact_work: 901-448-2075
    - ''
    - ''
    - 'Yes'
    - 'Yes'
    - 'University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Pharmacy, Memphis Campus (main campus)'
    - 'University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Pharmacy, Nashville Campus '
    - 'University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Pharmacy, Knoxville Campus '
    - 'Geographically dispersed campuses'
    - 'Yes'
    - 'Yes'
    - 'Yes'
    - DUAL_OTH
    - 'Yes'
    - 'Yes'
    - 'Yes'
    - pre_courseqtr: ''
      pre_coursesem: '8'
      pre_coursesubject: 'Biology/Biological Science'
      pre_coursetitle: 'General Biology/Zoology'
    - pre_courseqtr: ''
      pre_coursesem: '8'
      pre_coursesubject: Chemistry
      pre_coursetitle: 'General Chemistry'
    - pre_courseqtr: ''
      pre_coursesem: '8'
      pre_coursesubject: Chemistry
      pre_coursetitle: 'Organic Chemistry'
    - pre_courseqtr: ''
      pre_coursesem: '8'
      pre_coursesubject: 'Anatomy & Physiology'
      pre_coursetitle: 'Anatomy & Physiology'
    - pre_courseqtr: ''
      pre_coursesem: '3'
      pre_coursesubject: Microbiology
      pre_coursetitle: Microbiology
    - pre_courseqtr: ''
      pre_coursesem: '3'
      pre_coursesubject: Math
      pre_coursetitle: Calculus
    - pre_courseqtr: ''
      pre_coursesem: '3'
      pre_coursesubject: Statistics
      pre_coursetitle: Statistics
    - pre_courseqtr: ''
      pre_coursesem: '6'
      pre_coursesubject: 'English Composition / Writing'
      pre_coursetitle: 'English Composition'
    - pre_courseqtr: ''
      pre_coursesem: '3'
      pre_coursesubject: 'Communication / Speech (Verbal)'
      pre_coursetitle: Communications/Speech
    - pre_courseqtr: ''
      pre_coursesem: '6'
      pre_coursesubject: 'Social/Behavioral Science'
      pre_coursetitle: 'Social Sciences'
    - pre_courseqtr: ''
      pre_coursesem: '6'
      pre_coursesubject: Humanities
      pre_coursetitle: Humanities
    - 'Yes'
    - 'Yes'
  tests_other_text: {  }
    - 'Yes'
    - 'Yes'
    - 'Yes'
    - 'Yes'
    - 'US Citizens'
    - 'US Permanent Residents'
    - 'Canadian Citizens'
    - 'Foreign (non-US) Citizens with a Visa'
    - 'Foreign (non-US) Citizens'
  post_bs_program_offered: {  }
    - 'Yes'
    - 'Yes'
    - '2025-08-11'
    - 'Yes'
    - 'Yes'
    - '56'
  aacp_institution_number: '6400'
  ac_cpr: 'Yes'
  ac_deposit_details: 'Candidates accepted to the program are required to submit a $1000 non-refundable enrollment deposit. Deposits are applied to fall tuition. '
  ac_deposit_radio: 'Yes'
  ac_deposit_refundable: 'No'
  ac_firstday: ''
  acad_health: 'Yes'
  academic_term_type_2: 'Semester (2 terms per academic year)'
  academic_term_type_other_2: ''
  accred_status: '1'
  active: 'Yes'
  admin_status: Published
  ao_alternate_pathways: 'Yes'
  ao_alternate_pathways_other: ''
  ao_complete_bach: 'Yes'
  ao_complete_bachelor: 'The Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences (BSPS) is an en-route degree awarded to PharmD students after second professional year. Requirements for this degree include all PharmD prerequisite undergraduate coursework and 6 credit hours of US History or one year of high school US History credit. The 6 hours of US History credits may also be used to satisfy the Humanities prerequisite requirement.'
  ao_early_assurance: 'Yes'
  ao_ug_affiliation: 'Yes'
  application_deadline_description: 'Competitive applicants are invited to interview on a rolling basis. Selected students schedule the date and format (in person at our Memphis, Nashville, and Knoxville campuses or by Zoom) and are informed of their admission decision within three business days of their interview. Admitted students rank their campus preference (all four years in Memphis, Nashville, and Knoxville, or the first year in Memphis and the next three in Nashville and Knoxville) so applying early is recommended.'
  application_fee: ''
  banner_image: CoP-Banner-Image-2.jpg
  cag_aacp: 'No'
  cbc_radio: 'No'
    format: restricted_html
    value: '<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>'
  college_or_school_name: 'College of Pharmacy'
  course_prerequisites_link: ''
  credit_hour_policies: ''
  crit_gpa_info: |-
    All prerequisite courses must have a grade of C- or higher and must be taken from a regionally accredited college or university. 
    Cumulative Undergraduate GPA Metrics for the 2024 Entering Class:
    3.35   25th Percentile
    3.53     50th (Median) Percentile
    3.76   75th Percentile
  crit_mingpa: N/A
  crit_prereqgpa: N/A
  curriculum_other: ''
  drug_radio: 'No'
  dual_conc_radio: 'Yes'
  dual_concurrent: |-
    Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences
    The Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences (BSPS) is an en-route degree awarded to PharmD students after second professional year.
  dual_deg: 'Yes'
  dual_oth_desc: 'PharmD/MS-ICL (Instruction and Curriculum Leadership)'
  final_deadline_date: 'March 3, 2025'
  for_fc_radio: 'Yes'
  for_other: 'WES reports are required as part of the PharmCAS application.'
  for_policy_radio: '1'
  foreign_pharmacist_additional_info: 'Applicants must complete all prerequisite coursework before matriculation.'
  foreign_pharmacists_to_entry_level_program: 'Yes'
  institution_name: 'The University of Tennessee'
  interview_link: ''
  interview_process: 'Interview days are held continuously throughout the admissions cycle.  Selected applicants are invited for a personal interview on a rolling basis once their application is received and complete.  Tours of the campuses, led by current students, are included in the interview day itinerary.'
  lor_acc_radio: 'Yes'
  lor_c1a_radio: Accepted
  lor_c1b_text: ''
  lor_c1c_radio: 'Yes'
  lor_c2a_radio: Accepted
  lor_c2b_text: ''
  lor_c2c_radio: 'Yes'
  lor_details: 'Committee and composite letters count as two evaluations.'
    Clergy: 'NOT ACCEPTED'
    Co-Worker: 'NOT ACCEPTED'
    Employer: ACCEPTED
    'Faculty Advisor': ACCEPTED
    'Family Member': 'NOT ACCEPTED'
    Friend: 'NOT ACCEPTED'
    'Health Care Professional': ACCEPTED
    Politician: ACCEPTED
    'Pre-Health Advisor': ACCEPTED
    'Professor (Any Subject Area)': ACCEPTED
    'Professor (Liberal Arts)': ACCEPTED
    'Professor (Math)': ACCEPTED
    'Professor (Science)': 'RECOMMENDED BUT NOT REQUIRED'
    Supervisor: ACCEPTED
    'Teaching Assistant': ACCEPTED
  lor_num_radio: '3'
  nonp_deadline: ''
  notify_title: |-
    Apply early and choose your campus-Memphis, Nashville, or Knoxville
    Ranked Top 20 among 140+ U.S. PharmD programs
    Certificates-Nuclear Pharmacy, Rural Health, Health Informatics
    47% of 2024 grads matched for PGY1 Residency (78 students) or Fellowship (4 students) 
    100% job seeking graduates licensed and working 3 months after graduation(2023), 90% of 2024 grads had offers by graduation
    $1.6M+ awarded annually in scholarships
    2024-25 Annual Tuition $23,365 In-State, $28,590 Out-of-State
  old_id: '462'
    'Non-Science Course Prerequisites': 'Yes'
    'Science Course Prerequisites with Labs': 'Yes'
    'Science Course Prerequisites without Labs ': 'Yes'
  online_classes_open_text: 'Students are strongly encouraged to take traditional, in person courses and labs. '
  online_interview_option: '1'
    'Non-Science Course Prerequisites': Varies
    'Science Course Prerequisites with Labs': Varies
    'Science Course Prerequisites without Labs ': Varies
  pass_fail_classes_open_text: 'Students are encouraged to opt for letter grades. '
  pd_deg_pref: 'Not Required'
  phar_observation: NR
  phar_other_info: ''
    format: restricted_html
    value: '<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>'
  post_bs_additional_info: ''
  post_bs_degree_abroad: 'No'
  pre_basic_hrs: '35'
  pre_complete: 'All coursework should be completed by the end of spring semester prior to enrollment. Admitted students may request an extension for any needed summer coursework. Summer coursework must be completed prior to the start of Orientation. '
  pre_other: 'All science courses should include a laboratory component.  All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of C- or better.  Review will focus on composite GPA, science GPA, number of course credits taken per semester, completeness of transcript, and academic trends. Applicants are encouraged to take additional upper division sciences to strengthen their application and assure the best preparation for pharmacy school.'
  pre_pharmacy_coursework_options: '2 years'
  pre_pharmacy_coursework_other: ''
  pre_quarter: ''
  pre_quarter_science: ''
  pre_semester: '62'
  priority_deadline_incentives: |-
    Be among the first to secure your preferred campus location-Memphis, Nashville, or Knoxville.
    Priority consideration for scholarship awards. Scholarships range from $1,000-$5,000 per year. 
  program_description: |-
    As the state's flagship health science research institution, the University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Pharmacy has been a leader in training generations of the profession's top-tier educators, practitioners, and pharmaceutical scientists for more than a century. Ranked in the Top 20 PharmD programs in the nation, our curriculum strongly supports graduates desiring to continue their education through residencies and fellowships, in addition to those entering practice directly after graduation. 47% of the Class of 2024 matched for PGY1 Residency (78 students) or fellowship (4 students), ranking 3rd in the US for the number of students matched for PGY1. 90% of 2024 grads had their offers prior to graduation. In 2022 and 2023, 98% and 100% of job seeking grads were licensed and practicing 3 months post graduation.
    The integrated curriculum introduces therapeutics-based courses in the P1 year, 10 APPEs (advanced pharmacy practice experience) beginning in the P3 year, provides students more exposure to clinical rotations across the state and beyond; clinical simulation, utilizing standardized patients, task trainers, high-fidelity patient simulators, and virtual reality; interprofessional experiences and team-based training. 
    -190+ top experiential sites include St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital, Vanderbilt University hospitals, VA hospitals, and UT Medical Center.
    -Pharmacy Based Immunization Delivery, Medication Therapy Management, and Point of Care certificates included in the curriculum 
    -Dual-certificate programs in Nuclear Pharmacy, Health Informatics and Information Management, and Rural Health or choose from dozens of pharmacy electives
    -#6 in NIH Funding
    -VETS Campus/Yellow Ribbon School
    Learn More-
  program_location: TN
  program_structure: '4 years'
  pubpriv_inst: Public
  res_otherpref_radio: 'No'
  res_otherpref_text: 'Initial residency classification is determined by admissions staff from information submitted by the student on the Central Application System (PharmCAS) application for College admissions.'
  res_statepref_radio: 'Yes'
  sa_details: 'Information about the online supplemental application is sent to students who are offered acceptance to the program.'
  sa_fee_instructions: ''
  sa_fee_radio: 'Yes'
  sa_fee_text: $75.00
  sa_link: ''
  sa_radio: 'No'
  school_city: Memphis
  school_country: US
  school_state: TN
  school_street_1: '881 Madison Avenue'
  school_street_2: ''
  school_street_3: ''
  school_zip: '38163'
  seats_target_available_in_upcoming_class: '100'
  short_name: 'U of Tennessee, The'
  stats_classsize: '150'
  stats_early: '5'
  stats_last_filled_seats: '104'
  tests_other_radio: 'No'
  tests_other_tests: ''
  tests_tt_radio: 'No'
  tests_tt_text: ''
  what_is_the_priority_application_deadline_for_your_program_: 'November 1, 2024'
  yes_phar_observation: ''