Published Survey
Submission Number: 4107
Submission ID: 55
Submission UUID: 98a0f4ad-ed75-4a7b-b1ae-7fe94763644c
Submission URI: /publishedsurvey

Created: Tue, 09/10/2019 - 20:43
Completed: Tue, 05/28/2024 - 13:44
Changed: Mon, 07/29/2024 - 13:10

Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English

Is draft: No
Current page: Complete
Submitted to: Published Survey

Contact Information

Banner Image:: ama boamah-12.jpg

If you need to post a notification below your institution name, please enter it here::

Institution Address:

Street 1: UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy

Street 2: 301 Pharmacy Lane

Street 3: Campus Box 7566

City: Chapel Hill

State: North Carolina

Zip: 27599

Country: United States

Program Location:: North Carolina

Admissions Office Contact(s)::
- Name: Heather Azzu 
  Title: Director of Admissions
  Office: Eshelman School of Pharmacy PharmD Admissions
  Phone (Work): 919-445-4913

Institutional Website::

Contact Information Video::

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes

Program Application Deadline

Final Application Deadline:

What is the final (enforced) application deadline for your program?: February 3, 2025

Final Application Deadline Description::

Priority Application Deadline:

What is the priority application deadline for your program? : October 1, 2024

Describe any requirements or incentives for applicants who apply by the priority deadline. :
Students who apply by the priority application deadline will be eligible to apply for institutional scholarships. In addition, they will be able to interview in the fall semester. This is not a binding deadline meaning that it does not mean you must commit to only our program. 

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes

Program Information

Please select the appropriate ACPE accreditation status for your institution from the list below:: Full Accreditation 

Satellite/Branch campuses:: Asheville, North Carolina

Does your program follow the AACP Cooperative Admissions Guidelines?: No

Is your institution public or private?: Public

Is your institution part of an academic health center?: Yes

Academic Term Type:

Select the appropriate academic term type for your program.: Semester (2 terms per academic year)

Program Structure: Pre-Pharmacy Coursework

What is the minimum requirement of pre-pharmacy coursework for matriculation into your professional Doctor of Pharmacy program? : 2 years

Is a Baccalaureate degree required or preferred for admissions?: Not Required

Program Structure: Pharm.D. Program Curriculum

What is the structure (e.g., length) of your Pharm.D. program curriculum?: 4 years

Alternative Options: Early Assurance

Does your program offer an Early Assurance program for admissions? : Yes

Alternative Options: Affiliation or Articulation Agreements

Does your program have affiliation or articulation agreements with undergraduate institutions for admissions? Contact the program directly for additional details. : Yes

Alternative Options: Bachelor’s Degree While Enrolled

Does your program offer a student the ability to complete their bachelor’s degree while enrolled in the Pharm.D. program?: No

Alternative Options: Pathways

Does your program offer alternative pathways to Pharm.D. degree completion? : No

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes

Last Entering Class

Total number of Pharm.D. seats filled in the last P1 entering class:: 144

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes

Dual and Concurrent Degrees

Dual Degree:

Does your institution offer a dual degree program, as defined above? : Yes

If yes, check all that apply:: PharmD/MBA (Business Administration), PharmD/MPH (Public Health)

Does your institution offer a concurrent, double, or second degree program, as defined above?: No

Provide any additional information regarding dual, concurrent, double, or second degree programs: :
Learn more about our dual degree options here:

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes

Program Description

Program Description:
At the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy, everything we do begins and ends with the patient in mind. As the No. 1 pharmacy school in the country, our mission is to advance medicine for life by discovering the medicines of tomorrow, maximizing the benefit of medicines of today and training the next generation of pharmacists. 

Our approach to teaching and active learning sets us apart from other pharmacy schools. By fully integrating and aligning active learning and immersive pharmacy practice experiences, our Pharm.D. students are better prepared to be outstanding practitioners focused on optimizing patient medication.

Immersion experiences in patient care begin immediately following year one and will continue through year four. Fourth year students can select an international rotation in one of nine practice sites. Our students are involved in vibrant co-curricular experiences through student organizations that enhance their learning, growth and development in the classroom. They staff two indigent care clinics, host health fairs and hold leadership positions in local, state and national organizations. 

We also offer a dual campus model with campuses in Chapel Hill and Asheville. One school, two campuses, same degree. Students choose their campus preference at the time of application. Campus preference is not a consideration for the interviews or admission to the program. Upon admission, we strive to match the campus preference with the understanding that there are limited seats available on each campus so it is not guaranteed.  All students, regardless of campus, receive their degree from the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy.

We look forward to introducing you to our community! To learn more, visit:

Program Description Video::

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes

GPA and Credit Hour Criteria

Minimum Overall GPA:: 2.5

Minimum Prerequisite GPA:: 2.5

Provide any additional information regarding GPA policies for applicants::

Total number of college SEMESTER HOURS that must be completed prior to matriculation:: 60

Total number of basic science college SEMESTER HOURS that must be completed prior to matriculation:: 34

Total number of college QUARTER HOURS that must be completed prior to matriculation:: 90

Total number of basic science college QUARTER HOURS that must be completed prior to matriculation:: 51

Provide any additional information regarding credit hour policies for applicants::

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes

Course Prerequisites

List of Course Prerequisites::
Course Subject: Chemistry
Course Title: Chemistry 101/101L (General Chemistry I with lab) 
Semester Hours (Min): 4
Quarter Hours (Min): 6
Course Subject: Chemistry
Course Title: Chemistry 102/102L (General Chemistry II with lab) 
Semester Hours (Min): 4
Quarter Hours (Min): 6
Course Subject: Chemistry
Course Title: *Chemistry 241/241L (Separations/Analytical Characterization with lab) UNC-Chapel Hill students only
Semester Hours (Min): 3
Quarter Hours (Min): 0
Course Subject: Chemistry
Course Title: Chemistry 261 (Organic Chemistry I with lab) 
Semester Hours (Min): 4
Quarter Hours (Min): 6
Course Subject: Chemistry
Course Title: Chemistry 262/262L (Organic Chemistry II with lab) 
Semester Hours (Min): 4
Quarter Hours (Min): 6
Course Subject: Biology/Biological Science
Course Title: Biology 101/101L (Principles of Biology with lab) 
Semester Hours (Min): 4
Quarter Hours (Min): 6
Course Subject: Anatomy & Physiology
Course Title: Biology 252/252L (Human Anatomy/Physiology with lab) 
Semester Hours (Min): 4
Quarter Hours (Min): 6
Course Subject: Microbiology
Course Title: Microbiology 251 or 255 (Microbiology with or without lab) 
Semester Hours (Min): 3
Quarter Hours (Min): 4
Course Subject: Physics
Course Title: Physics 114/114L (General Physics I with lab, calculus-based preferred but will accept algebra-based)
Semester Hours (Min): 4
Quarter Hours (Min): 6
Course Subject: Math
Course Title: Math 231 or Math 241 (Calculus of One Variable) 
Semester Hours (Min): 3
Quarter Hours (Min): 4
Course Subject: Statistics
Course Title: Statistics 151 or 155 (Statistics) 
Semester Hours (Min): 3
Quarter Hours (Min): 4
Course Subject: Biochemistry
Course Title: Chemistry 430 (Biological Chemistry - upper level biochemistry class with two semesters of organic chemistry as a prerequisite) 
Semester Hours (Min): 3
Quarter Hours (Min): 4

When do applicants need to complete all course prerequisites prior to enrollment (e.g. date or term)?:
Students must successfully complete all prerequisite courses by the spring semester of the year they plan to enroll in the program.

Can applicants use online classes to fulfill the institution's course prerequisites?:
Science Course Prerequisites with Labs: Varies
Science Course Prerequisites without Labs : Varies
Non-Science Course Prerequisites: Varies

Enter any additional information regarding online course prerequisites::
Please send your specific course information to for official review by the School.

Can applicants use pass/fail classes to fulfill the institution's course prerequisites?:
Science Course Prerequisites with Labs: No
Science Course Prerequisites without Labs : No
Non-Science Course Prerequisites: No

Enter any additional information regarding pass/fail course prerequisites::
While we prefer letter grades, we will accept pass or credit grades for courses taken during the Spring 2020 and Fall 2020 semesters from institutions that put special grading accommodations in place due to COVID-19.

Enter any additional information regarding course prerequisites::
Students with an undergraduate degree prior to enrolling must complete the math and science prerequisites only. Students currently enrolled at UNC-Chapel Hill take Chemistry 241/241L (Separations/Analytical Characterization).

Students enrolling in the program without a bachelor's degree are required to complete at least two years of undergraduate coursework (at least 60 semester credit hours) including the math, science, and general education prerequisites. The general education prerequisites include ENG 105 "English Composition" (3 semester credits), two Social Sciences (6 semester credits total), and two Humanities (6 semester credits total). Examples of accepted social science courses include Psychology, Sociology, Economics, Political Science, and Anthropology. Examples of accepted humanities courses include English, History, Philosophy, Ethics, Ethnic and Gender Studies, Social Justice, or foreign language. For additional information, please reference the course prerequisite website:

Link to additional course prerequisites information::

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes

Supplemental Materials

Supplemental Requirements:

Does your institution require applicants to submit a supplemental application or supplemental materials directly to the institution and outside of PharmCAS?: Yes

Link to Supplemental Instructions: : {Empty}

Supplemental Application Fee:

Will your institution require a supplemental application fee?: No

Provide any additional information about the supplemental application, materials, or fee requirements::
After the PharmCAS application is submitted, verified, and released to our School, we will email applicants a link with instructions for submitting a supplemental information form. The form is free to submit and should only take applicants a few minutes to complete. Applications are not considered complete or reviewed for interview invitations until this supplemental information form is submitted. 

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes

Standardized Tests

Standardized Tests:

Do you accept or consider any standardized tests? Do not include immunization requirement or other similar documentation requirements.: No

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes

Observation Hours

Observation Hours Required:

Does your program require pharmacy observation hours?: No

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes

Evaluations (Letters of Reference)

Evaluations Required:

Are evaluations (letters of reference) required by your institution?: Yes

 If yes, how many evaluations are required?: Two (2)

Please indicate your evaluation type requirements. Select all that apply.:
Employer: ACCEPTED
Faculty Advisor: ACCEPTED
Family Member: NOT ACCEPTED
Health Care Professional: ACCEPTED
Pharmacist: ACCEPTED
Politician: ACCEPTED
Pre-Health Advisor: ACCEPTED
Professor (Any Subject Area): ACCEPTED
Professor (Liberal Arts): ACCEPTED
Professor (Math): ACCEPTED
Professor (Science): ACCEPTED
Supervisor: ACCEPTED
Teaching Assistant: ACCEPTED

Committee Letters:

What is your college/school policy on committee letters? : Accepted

Does it count as more than one evaluation?: No

Composite Letters:

What is your college/school policy on composite letters?: Accepted

Does it count as more than one evaluation?: No

Provide institution specific details regarding evaluations::
Applications are considered completed when two evaluations are received. High school teachers are not among the instructors that should be used for evaluations due to the distance from last attendance and the subject matter level. 

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes


Is preference given to state residents?: No

Is preference given to residents of other states?: No

Additional information about the program’s state residency requirements::
NC residency for tuition purposes is not determined by the institution. Students who wish to be considered as in-state for tuition purposes must complete the Residency Determination Service and provide their RCN number.

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes

International Applicants

Does your institution consider foreign citizens (excluding Canadian citizens)?: Yes

Select the citizenship types eligible for admission:: US Citizens, US Permanent Residents, US Temporary Residents, Canadian Citizens, Foreign (non-US) Citizens with a Visa, Foreign (non-US) Citizens, Other Non-Citizens (e.g. DACA Students)

Policy for accepting non-U.S. coursework (excluding study abroad):: Send a foreign transcript evaluation report (FTER) to PharmCAS 

Other clarifying information, if necessary::
We only accept evaluations from WES. Please request course-by-course WES evaluations directly through the application as stated on the PharmCAS transcript page.

Non-native speakers must submit official TOEFL scores?: Yes

If the TOEFL is required for non-native English speakers, provide additional details about the requirement below: :
We prefer for students to have a TOEFL iBT score greater than or equal to 100. TOEFL exemptions are available in some cases. Please consult the School's website for additional information.

Post-B.S. Pharm.D. Programs for Current Pharmacists Licensed in the U.S.:

Does the institution offer a post-B.S. Pharm.D. program for current pharmacists who are already licensed in the U.S.? : No

Details on Post-B.S. Pharm.D. Programs [1]


Programs for Foreign-educated Pharmacists without a U.S. License:

Does the institution consider foreign-educated pharmacists WITHOUT a U.S. license for admission to the entry-level Pharm.D. program?: Yes

Enter any additional information for foreign-educated pharmacists without a U.S. license who are interested in the entry-level Pharm.D. program.:

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes


Interview Format:: Multiple Mini Interviews (MMI)

Does the institution offer an online interview option?: Yes

Briefly describe your institution's interview process::
Students invited to interview will meet with faculty, staff, and current students. Each candidate will participate in a multiple mini interview (MMI) session. The MMI is a series of interview stations consisting of timed interview scenarios. Applicants rotate through the stations, each with their own interviewers and scenarios, over the course of an hour. The MMI does not test pharmacy knowledge but will assess characteristics and attributes the Admissions Committee feel are important for success as a pharmacist. The MMI format is quick interaction responding to scenarios and is not a traditional "get to know you" interview. There are other opportunities to meet faculty and students in a casual virtual setting throughout the cycle. 

Link to institutional webpage for more detailed description::

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes

Accepted Applicants


Is a deposit required to hold an acceptee's place in the class?: Yes

Is the deposit refundable for any period of time?: No

Enter details on the deposit (e.g. amount) and deposit refund policies::
In addition to submitting an Intent to Enroll form, students must pay a $500 non-refundable deposit. The enrollment deposit is applied to the first tuition bill.  

Date of first day of classes and/or matriculation for the next entering class:: 2025-08-01

Additional details for accepted applicants::
Pre-orientation happens during the summer beginning in mid-May and is online. In-person orientation begins on August 1st for all new PY1 students. 

Are accepted applicants required to have CPR certification prior to matriculation?: No

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes

Background Checks and Drug Screenings

Is your institution participating in the PharmCAS-facilitated Criminal Background Check (CBC) Service?: Yes

Is your institution participating in the PharmCAS-facilitated Drug Screening Service?: No

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes