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Submission Number: 4085
Submission ID: 33
Submission UUID: d74d4f79-7b82-45bd-989e-6b23428820c6
Submission URI: /publishedsurvey
Submission Update: /publishedsurvey?token=SV8VQc2XC5EMErFaqU9qM7XY4RHvqOR9j6Dm8w6h7_Q
Created: Wed, 08/21/2019 - 10:06
Completed: Mon, 06/24/2024 - 16:22
Changed: Mon, 06/24/2024 - 16:36
Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English
Is draft: No
Current page: Complete
Webform: Pharm.D. School Directory
Submitted to: Published Survey
serial: '4085' sid: '33' uuid: d74d4f79-7b82-45bd-989e-6b23428820c6 uri: /node/32 created: '1566396403' completed: '1719260577' changed: '1719261413' in_draft: '0' current_page: webform_confirmation remote_addr: uid: '403' langcode: en webform_id: pharmd_schooldirectory entity_type: node entity_id: '32' locked: '0' sticky: '0' notes: '' data: contact: - contact_email: contact_extension: '' contact_name: 'Melissa Shaner' contact_office: '' contact_title: 'Admissions & Recruitment Manager' contact_work: '' contact_website: - '' - '' contact_info_done: - 'Yes' program_deadline_done: - 'Yes' satellite_text: { } ao_alternate_pathways_yes: { } program_info_done: - 'Yes' last_entering_class_done: - 'Yes' upcoming_entering_class_done: - 'Yes' dual_deg_checkboxes: - DUAL_DEG_MBA - DUAL_DEG_PHD dual_degrees_done: - 'Yes' program_description_done: - 'Yes' gpa_criteria_done: - 'Yes' list_of_course_prerequisites: - pre_courseqtr: '5' pre_coursesem: '4' pre_coursesubject: Chemistry pre_coursetitle: 'General Chemistry I w/Lab' - pre_courseqtr: '5' pre_coursesem: '4' pre_coursesubject: Chemistry pre_coursetitle: 'General Chemistry II w/Lab' - pre_courseqtr: '4' pre_coursesem: '4' pre_coursesubject: 'Biology/Biological Science' pre_coursetitle: 'General Biology I ' - pre_courseqtr: '4' pre_coursesem: '4' pre_coursesubject: 'Biology/Biological Science' pre_coursetitle: 'General Biology II ' - pre_courseqtr: '4' pre_coursesem: '4' pre_coursesubject: Chemistry pre_coursetitle: 'Organic Chemistry I w/Lab' - pre_courseqtr: '4' pre_coursesem: '4' pre_coursesubject: Chemistry pre_coursetitle: 'Organic Chemistry II w/Lab' - pre_courseqtr: '4' pre_coursesem: '4' pre_coursesubject: Physiology pre_coursetitle: 'Human Physiology - if physiology is part of a sequence, the whole sequence must be completed.' - pre_courseqtr: '6' pre_coursesem: '4' pre_coursesubject: Biochemistry pre_coursetitle: 'Biochemistry with Molecular Biology' - pre_courseqtr: '3' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: Microbiology pre_coursetitle: Microbiology - pre_courseqtr: '4' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: Math pre_coursetitle: Calculus - pre_courseqtr: '3' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: Statistics pre_coursetitle: Statistics course_prereqs_done: - 'Yes' supplemental_materials_done: - 'Yes' tests_other_text: { } pcat_and_other_tests_done: - 'Yes' observation_hours_done: - 'Yes' evaluations_done: - 'Yes' residency_done: - 'Yes' for_cc_radio: - 'US Citizens' - 'US Permanent Residents' - 'US Temporary Residents' - 'Canadian Citizens' - 'Foreign (non-US) Citizens with a Visa' - 'Foreign (non-US) Citizens' - 'Other Non-Citizens (e.g. DACA Students)' post_bs_program_offered: { } international_applicants_done: - 'Yes' interview_format: - INTERVIEW_MULM interviews_done: - 'Yes' ac_first_date: - '2025-09-24' accepted_applicants_done: - 'Yes' background_checks_done: - 'Yes' sids: - '33' aacp_institution_number: '5400' ac_cpr: 'Yes' ac_deposit_details: 'Candidates have 14 calendar days from when the offer was sent to accept the offer of admission and pay the initial $100 deposit. ' ac_deposit_radio: 'Yes' ac_deposit_refundable: 'No' ac_firstday: '' acad_health: 'Yes' academic_term_type_2: 'Quarter (3 terms per academic year)' academic_term_type_other_2: '' accred_status: '1' active: 'Yes' admin_status: Published ao_alternate_pathways: 'No' ao_alternate_pathways_other: '' ao_complete_bach: 'No' ao_complete_bachelor: '' ao_early_assurance: 'Yes' ao_ug_affiliation: 'No' application_deadline_description: '' application_fee: '' banner_image: 'Directory Photo.jpg' cag_aacp: 'Yes' cbc_radio: 'No' ci_video_embed: format: restricted_html value: '' college_or_school_name: 'College of Pharmacy' course_prerequisites_link: '' credit_hour_policies: 'A bachelors degree is not required for admission to the Pharm.D. program. Contact Pharm.D. Admissions for additional information at ' crit_gpa_info: |- Recommended Prerequisite GPA: 2.75 While the recommended prerequisite GPA is 2.75, we strongly encourage applicants below a 2.75 to apply. The OSU College of Pharmacy practices a holistic admission process, and will assess a complete application for additional student strengths besides GPA. crit_mingpa: N/A crit_prereqgpa: N/A curriculum_other: '' drug_radio: 'No' dual_conc_radio: 'No' dual_concurrent: |- The Pharm.D./MBA dual-degree is designed to enhance the business skills, knowledge and practical experience of students in the Pharm.D program. There are recommended courses to take in undergraduate. Please contact us for more information. The dual-degree Pharm.D./Ph.D. is an option for students who have an intense interest in participating in drug discovery and development as a research scientist, applying clinical knowledge to developing or enhancing the use of medications. dual_deg: 'Yes' dual_oth_desc: '' final_deadline_date: 'June 2, 2025' for_fc_radio: 'Yes' for_other: 'Foreign transcripts are evaluated on a case by case basis. ' for_policy_radio: '1' foreign_pharmacist_additional_info: 'Foreign educated pharmacists are encouraged to reach out to OSU directly to discuss their case at ' foreign_pharmacists_to_entry_level_program: 'Yes' institution_name: 'Oregon State University' interview_link: '' interview_process: 'Oregon State University has implemented a modified Multiple Mini Interview (MMI) process. Candidates will have four 7 minute interviews. Candidates will also have the opportunity to talk with current Pharm.D. students and meet our faculty. ' lor_acc_radio: 'Yes' lor_c1a_radio: Accepted lor_c1b_text: '' lor_c1c_radio: 'No' lor_c2a_radio: 'Not Accepted' lor_c2b_text: '' lor_c2c_radio: '' lor_details: 'Letters from family friends are not accepted regardless of their involvement in the medical/health care field. ' lor_likert: Clergy: 'NO ANSWER' Co-Worker: 'NO ANSWER' Employer: 'NO ANSWER' 'Faculty Advisor': 'RECOMMENDED BUT NOT REQUIRED' 'Family Member': 'NOT ACCEPTED' Friend: 'NOT ACCEPTED' 'Health Care Professional': 'RECOMMENDED BUT NOT REQUIRED' Pharmacist: 'RECOMMENDED BUT NOT REQUIRED' Politician: 'NOT ACCEPTED' 'Pre-Health Advisor': ACCEPTED 'Professor (Any Subject Area)': 'RECOMMENDED BUT NOT REQUIRED' 'Professor (Liberal Arts)': ACCEPTED 'Professor (Math)': 'RECOMMENDED BUT NOT REQUIRED' 'Professor (Science)': 'RECOMMENDED BUT NOT REQUIRED' Supervisor: 'RECOMMENDED BUT NOT REQUIRED' 'Teaching Assistant': ACCEPTED lor_num_radio: '2' nonp_deadline: '' notify_title: '' old_id: '437' online_classes_for_prereqs: 'Non-Science Course Prerequisites': 'Yes' 'Science Course Prerequisites with Labs': Varies 'Science Course Prerequisites without Labs ': 'Yes' online_classes_open_text: '' online_interview_option: '1' pass_fail_classes_for_prereqs: 'Non-Science Course Prerequisites': Varies 'Science Course Prerequisites with Labs': 'Yes, but only if no letter grade option available' 'Science Course Prerequisites without Labs ': 'Yes, but only if no letter grade option available' pass_fail_classes_open_text: '' pd_deg_pref: 'Not Required' phar_observation: NR phar_other_info: '' pi_video_embed: format: restricted_html value: '' post_bs_additional_info: '' post_bs_degree_abroad: 'No' pre_basic_hrs: '43' pre_complete: 'Applicants must complete all required course prerequisites by the end of the summer term prior to enrolling in the Pharm.D. degree program in the fall term.' pre_other: |- All applicants should review the detailed list of prerequisites on our website to make sure you have met or will meet the requirements, particularly related to physiology and biochemistry. We encourage you to contact us to have your transcripts evaluated for prerequisites. If a student is planning to start the Pharm.D. program before completing a bachelors degree, they need the following courses in addition to the prerequisites: - One course in Writing or English Composition; a second course is preferred. - One course in Interpersonal Communication or Speech; Interpersonal Communication is preferred. - One course in the social or behavioral sciences, such as sociology, psychology, ethnic studies, or anthropology. pre_pharmacy_coursework_options: '2 years' pre_pharmacy_coursework_other: '' pre_quarter: '82' pre_quarter_science: '66' pre_semester: '55' priority_deadline_incentives: '' program_description: | Get personal with pharmacy at OSU! Pharmacy needs future practitioners like you: passionate, dedicated, and courageous enough to make a real difference in your community. At OSU, you’ll develop the skills, empathy, and cultural competence you need to lead on the frontlines of community care. When you join the OSU College of Pharmacy program, you’ll gain access to a forward- looking curriculum grounded in experiential learning, a uniquely supportive learning community, and instant access to advisors and mentors helping you land your dream career opportunities. With flexible degrees, hand-crafted graduate programs, and a thriving partnership with OHSU, it’s no surprise we lead the field in graduation and residency placement rates. Ready to join a like-minded community of healers and innovators and make the science of health personal? Apply today! program_location: OR program_structure: '4 years' pubpriv_inst: Public res_otherpref_radio: 'No' res_otherpref_text: '' res_statepref_radio: 'No' sa_details: '' sa_fee_instructions: '' sa_fee_radio: 'No' sa_fee_text: '' sa_link: '' sa_radio: 'No' school_city: Corvallis school_country: US school_state: OR school_street_1: '203 Pharmacy Building' school_street_2: '' school_street_3: '' school_zip: '97331' seats_target_available_in_upcoming_class: '75' short_name: 'Oregon St U' stats_classsize: '90' stats_early: '12' stats_last_filled_seats: '59' tests_other_radio: 'No' tests_other_tests: '' tests_tt_radio: 'No' tests_tt_text: '' what_is_the_priority_application_deadline_for_your_program_: 'November 1, 2024' yes_phar_observation: ''