100% FREE TUITION AND FEES scholarships are offered to qualifying incoming students for the 2024-2025 admission cycle! The scholarship is available on an annual merit-based renewal, meaning qualified incoming and current students may receive the scholarship each year of the program. No additional application is required.

100% MATCH RATE for the 2023 Residency Match. We are the only pharmacy school in the entire nation to earn a 100% residency match rate!
Published Survey
Submission Number: 4193
Submission ID: 141
Submission UUID: 8cbf3c5d-0e1f-4696-8661-77d927689281
Submission URI: /publishedsurvey

Created: Tue, 08/20/2019 - 16:47
Completed: Thu, 06/13/2024 - 12:17
Changed: Thu, 06/13/2024 - 12:22

Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English

Is draft: No
Current page: Complete
Submitted to: Published Survey

Contact Information

Banner Image:: UT Tyler PharmCAS Banner 2022.jpg

If you need to post a notification below your institution name, please enter it here::
100% FREE TUITION AND FEES scholarships are offered to qualifying incoming students for the 2024-2025 admission cycle! The scholarship is available on an annual merit-based renewal, meaning qualified incoming and current students may receive the scholarship each year of the program. No additional application is required. 

100% MATCH RATE for the 2023 Residency Match. We are the only pharmacy school in the entire nation to earn a 100% residency match rate!

Institution Address:

Street 1: Office of Student Affairs

Street 2: 3900 University Blvd WTB 120

Street 3: {Empty}

City: Tyler

State: Texas

Zip: 75799-6600

Country: United States

Program Location:: Texas

Admissions Office Contact(s)::
- Name: Jose Vega, PharmD
  Title: Associate Dean of Student Affairs
  Office: Office of Student Affairs, WT Brookshire Hall # 120
  Phone (Work): 903-565-6581
  Email: jvega@uttyler.edu
- Name: Yonatan Moya, MBA
  Title: Director of Student Progress 
  Office: Office of Student Affairs, WT Brookshire Hall # 129
  Phone (Work): 903-565-6129
  Email: ymoya@uttyler.edu
- Name: Office of Student Affairs
  Phone (Work): 903-565-5777
  Email: pharmacyadmissions@uttyler.edu

Institutional Website::
- https://www.uttyler.edu/pharmacy/
- https://www.uttyler.edu/pharmacy/admissions/new-students.php

Contact Information Video::

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes

Program Application Deadline

Final Application Deadline:

What is the final (enforced) application deadline for your program?: May 1, 2025

Final Application Deadline Description::
Applications must be submitted by this deadline to be considered by FCOP for admission; however, additional materials such as letters of recommendation that are submitted after the deadline will still be accepted.

Priority Application Deadline:

What is the priority application deadline for your program? : December 2, 2024

Describe any requirements or incentives for applicants who apply by the priority deadline. :
The priority deadline for our program is intended to streamline the process for students applying to our program to be interviewed and offered admissions in as timely a manner as possible. Students who meet the priority application deadline will receive priority consideration for interview scheduling preferences and will receive same-day admission decisions after the completion of an interview with our program.

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes

Program Information

Please select the appropriate ACPE accreditation status for your institution from the list below:: Full Accreditation 

Satellite/Branch campuses:: None

Does your program follow the AACP Cooperative Admissions Guidelines?: Yes

Is your institution public or private?: Public

Is your institution part of an academic health center?: Yes

Academic Term Type:

Select the appropriate academic term type for your program.: Semester (2 terms per academic year)

Program Structure: Pre-Pharmacy Coursework

What is the minimum requirement of pre-pharmacy coursework for matriculation into your professional Doctor of Pharmacy program? : 2 years

Is a Baccalaureate degree required or preferred for admissions?: Not Required

Program Structure: Pharm.D. Program Curriculum

What is the structure (e.g., length) of your Pharm.D. program curriculum?: 4 years

Alternative Options: Early Assurance

Does your program offer an Early Assurance program for admissions? : Yes

Alternative Options: Affiliation or Articulation Agreements

Does your program have affiliation or articulation agreements with undergraduate institutions for admissions? Contact the program directly for additional details. : Yes

Alternative Options: Bachelor’s Degree While Enrolled

Does your program offer a student the ability to complete their bachelor’s degree while enrolled in the Pharm.D. program?: No

Alternative Options: Pathways

Does your program offer alternative pathways to Pharm.D. degree completion? : No

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes

Last Entering Class

Total number of Pharm.D. seats filled in the last P1 entering class:: 23

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes

Dual and Concurrent Degrees

Dual Degree:

Does your institution offer a dual degree program, as defined above? : No

Does your institution offer a concurrent, double, or second degree program, as defined above?: No

Provide any additional information regarding dual, concurrent, double, or second degree programs: :

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes

Program Description

Program Description:
The Ben and Maytee Fisch College of Pharmacy is located on The University of Texas at Tyler campus in the beautiful Piney Woods of East Texas. We are housed in W.T. Brookshire Hall, which was designed to incorporate collaborative learning and student-centered study areas throughout the building. Our Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) curriculum uses team-based learning as the primary teaching method to integrate the foundational and clinical sciences as well as develop our students' critical thinking skills. 

We have a NEW, 100% FREE TUITION AND FEES scholarship offered to incoming pharmacy students who meet certain GPA requirements. The scholarship is available on an annual merit-based renewal, so incoming and current students may qualify for the award each year in the program, and no additional application is required.

Qualifications for Incoming Pharm.D. candidates: 
- A minimum GPA of 3.50 in all science and math courses 
- A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.50 
- Fulfillment of all admission requirements 

Qualifications for UT Tyler Pharm.D. students: 
- Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.50 
- Enroll in at least 12 credit hours per semester 
- Have no professionalism alerts on record 
- Commit to providing 30 to 45 hours per semester of peer-tutoring or participating in FCOP activities each qualifying academic year.

Vision/Mission: The University of Texas at Tyle Fisch College of Pharmacy strives to be a preeminent college of pharmacy that fosters leaders in pharmacy practice, education, scholarship, and public service to care for rural and other underserved populations. We accomplish this vision through our mission of advancing public health and wellness in East Texas and beyond through innovation and collaboration in pharmacy education, scholarship and advocacy. 

Pharm.D. Curriculum: https://www.uttyler.edu/pharmacy/admissions/curriculum.php

Program Description Video::

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes

GPA and Credit Hour Criteria

Minimum Overall GPA:: 2.0

Minimum Prerequisite GPA:: 2.0

Provide any additional information regarding GPA policies for applicants::
GPA calculations are calculated using a four-point scale and include the following: all college coursework from accredited U.S. and foreign institutions, dual-credit coursework, Advanced Placement courses, College-Level Examination Program, and the International Baccalaureate Program. Original and repeated grades are included in calculations, when applicable.

Prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of "C" or higher.

Total number of college SEMESTER HOURS that must be completed prior to matriculation:: 60

Total number of basic science college SEMESTER HOURS that must be completed prior to matriculation:: 36

Total number of college QUARTER HOURS that must be completed prior to matriculation:: {Empty}

Total number of basic science college QUARTER HOURS that must be completed prior to matriculation:: {Empty}

Provide any additional information regarding credit hour policies for applicants::

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes

Course Prerequisites

List of Course Prerequisites::
Course Subject: Chemistry
Course Title: Chemistry I (inorganic) with lab
Semester Hours (Min): 4
Course Subject: Chemistry
Course Title: Chemistry II (inorganic) with lab
Semester Hours (Min): 4
Course Subject: Biology/Biological Science
Course Title: General Biology I with lab for science majors
Semester Hours (Min): 4
Course Subject: Biology/Biological Science
Course Title: General Biology II with lab for science majors
Semester Hours (Min): 4
Course Subject: Communication / Speech (Verbal)
Course Title: Fundamentals of Speech
Semester Hours (Min): 3
Course Subject: Microbiology
Course Title: Microbiology with lab
Semester Hours (Min): 4
Course Subject: Chemistry
Course Title: Organic Chemistry I with lab
Semester Hours (Min): 4
Course Subject: Chemistry
Course Title: Organic Chemistry II with lab
Semester Hours (Min): 4
Course Subject: Math
Course Title: Calculus I
Semester Hours (Min): 3
Course Subject: Anatomy & Physiology
Course Title: Human Anatomy and Physiology I with lab 
Semester Hours (Min): 4
Course Subject: Anatomy & Physiology
Course Title: Human Anatomy and Physiology II with lab
Semester Hours (Min): 4

When do applicants need to complete all course prerequisites prior to enrollment (e.g. date or term)?:
June 2, 2025 unless approval for summer coursework previously obtained from the Office of Student Affairs.

Can applicants use online classes to fulfill the institution's course prerequisites?:
Science Course Prerequisites with Labs: Yes
Science Course Prerequisites without Labs : Yes
Non-Science Course Prerequisites: Yes

Enter any additional information regarding online course prerequisites::

Can applicants use pass/fail classes to fulfill the institution's course prerequisites?:
Science Course Prerequisites with Labs: Yes, but only if no letter grade option available
Science Course Prerequisites without Labs : Yes, but only if no letter grade option available
Non-Science Course Prerequisites: Yes, but only if no letter grade option available

Enter any additional information regarding pass/fail course prerequisites::

Enter any additional information regarding course prerequisites::
* Pharmacy prerequisites:  All prerequisite coursework must be completed by the end of the Spring term prior to Fall admission. Requests for summer coursework are reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the Office of Student Affairs.    
* Prerequisite Coursework: Information on specific requirements and maximum allowable time elapsed since course completion can be found at:  https://www.uttyler.edu/academics/colleges-schools/pharmacy/
* Exemption Requests (for coursework completed > 7 years ago; etc.) may be submitted and will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the College's Admission Committee. The form can be found at: https://www.uttyler.edu/academics/colleges-schools/pharmacy/

* The Texas Core Curriculum describes the general education requirements for all college students in Texas. Applicants who already have/will have a bachelor's degree (or higher) prior to entering the Pharm.D. program are not required to complete the Texas Core Curriculum. Additional information on the Texas Core Curriculum and specific coursework is available at: https://www.uttyler.edu/academics/colleges-schools/pharmacy/.

Link to additional course prerequisites information:: https://www.uttyler.edu/academics/colleges-schools/pharmacy/admissions/prerequisites/index.php

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes

Supplemental Materials

Supplemental Requirements:

Does your institution require applicants to submit a supplemental application or supplemental materials directly to the institution and outside of PharmCAS?: No

Supplemental Application Fee:

Will your institution require a supplemental application fee?: No

Provide any additional information about the supplemental application, materials, or fee requirements::
The Supplemental Application is embedded into PharmCAS as a section called "Additional Questions". If you have any questions regarding this, please contact us at pharmacyadmissions@uttyler.edu.

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes

Standardized Tests

Standardized Tests:

Do you accept or consider any standardized tests? Do not include immunization requirement or other similar documentation requirements.: No

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes

Observation Hours

Observation Hours Required:

Does your program require pharmacy observation hours?: No

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes

Evaluations (Letters of Reference)

Evaluations Required:

Are evaluations (letters of reference) required by your institution?: Yes

 If yes, how many evaluations are required?: Three (3)

Please indicate your evaluation type requirements. Select all that apply.:
Employer: ACCEPTED
Faculty Advisor: ACCEPTED
Family Member: NOT ACCEPTED
Health Care Professional: ACCEPTED
Pharmacist: ACCEPTED
Pre-Health Advisor: ACCEPTED
Professor (Any Subject Area): ACCEPTED
Professor (Liberal Arts): ACCEPTED
Professor (Math): ACCEPTED
Professor (Science): ACCEPTED
Supervisor: ACCEPTED

Committee Letters:

What is your college/school policy on committee letters? : Not Accepted

Composite Letters:

What is your college/school policy on composite letters?: Not Accepted

Provide institution specific details regarding evaluations::
Three letters of reference must be sent to PharmCAS by the application deadline, preferably with the application submission. However, additional letters submitted after the application deadline may be considered. 

Letters of reference should be requested from individuals who know you professionally or academically. Examples include employers, faculty advisors, healthcare professionals, pharmacists, pre-health advisors, professors, and/or supervisors. Any combination of these is acceptable. 

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes


Is preference given to state residents?: No

Is preference given to residents of other states?: No

Additional information about the program’s state residency requirements::
All students entering the Fisch College of Pharmacy will be required to complete Texas Core Curriculum requirements. These requirements must be completed prior to entry or within the first two years of the PharmD program. Students with a bachelor's degree (or higher) from any institution (in-state, out-of-state, international) will be exempt from Texas Core Curriculum requirements. 

Tuition is the same for in-state, out-of-state, or out-of-country residents.

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes

International Applicants

Does your institution consider foreign citizens (excluding Canadian citizens)?: Yes

Select the citizenship types eligible for admission:: US Citizens, US Permanent Residents, US Temporary Residents, Canadian Citizens, Foreign (non-US) Citizens with a Visa, Foreign (non-US) Citizens, Other Non-Citizens (e.g. DACA Students)

Policy for accepting non-U.S. coursework (excluding study abroad):: Send a foreign transcript evaluation report (FTER) to PharmCAS 

Other clarifying information, if necessary::
Applicants will be considered for admission regardless of citizenship or visa status. International applicants may have additional requirements. Coursework completed outside of the United States requires a foreign transcript evaluation report (FTER). It may be submitted through PharmCAS or submitted directly to the college. Information on approved FTER providers can be found here: http://www.naces.org/members.html.

Applicants must be eligible to work within the US and obtain a Social Security Number (SSN). The Texas State Board of Pharmacy (TSBP) requires all pharmacy students to submit an SSN when applying for their pharmacy intern license. In order to obtain an SSN, the international applicant must be able to work within the US when the first professional year starts. Accepted students will work with our University's Office of International Programs to complete any necessary paperwork and other components required based on citizenship or visa status. 

Non-native speakers must submit official TOEFL scores?: Yes

If the TOEFL is required for non-native English speakers, provide additional details about the requirement below: :
International students may be required to provide evidence of English proficiency. Accepted tests are the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), the Pearson Test of English (PTE), the International English Language Testing System (IELTS), or the Duolingo English Test (DET). The assessment must be completed within 2 years of expected entry into the program. For more information regarding minimum scores on English Proficiency Assessments and exemptions to the requirement, please see https://www.uttyler.edu/graduate/gradadmissions/admission-requirements/.

Post-B.S. Pharm.D. Programs for Current Pharmacists Licensed in the U.S.:

Does the institution offer a post-B.S. Pharm.D. program for current pharmacists who are already licensed in the U.S.? : No

Details on Post-B.S. Pharm.D. Programs [1]

[1] https://www.pharmcas.org/school-directory/explore-and-compare/post_bs_programs

Programs for Foreign-educated Pharmacists without a U.S. License:

Does the institution consider foreign-educated pharmacists WITHOUT a U.S. license for admission to the entry-level Pharm.D. program?: Yes

Enter any additional information for foreign-educated pharmacists without a U.S. license who are interested in the entry-level Pharm.D. program.:

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes


Interview Format:: Multiple Mini Interviews (MMI)

Does the institution offer an online interview option?: Yes

Briefly describe your institution's interview process::
The Fisch College of Pharmacy interview process consists of a math and writing assessment, a question and answer panel with current faculty members and with students, a "virtual tour" of the building, and interview questions asked in the Multiple Mini-Interview format. 
For more information please visit: https://www.uttyler.edu/pharmacy/admissions/.

Link to institutional webpage for more detailed description:: https://www.uttyler.edu/pharmacy/admissions/

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes

Accepted Applicants


Is a deposit required to hold an acceptee's place in the class?: Yes

Is the deposit refundable for any period of time?: No

Enter details on the deposit (e.g. amount) and deposit refund policies::
The admission deposit is $200 and is nonrefundable. When students start the PharmD program, the admission deposit is applied to their first tuition bill.

Date of first day of classes and/or matriculation for the next entering class:: 2025-08-18

Additional details for accepted applicants::
Participation in JumpStart during the summer before matriculation is expected for incoming students. Required orientation programming occurs the week prior to the start of classes for all PharmD students. CPR certification is provided during orientation.

Are accepted applicants required to have CPR certification prior to matriculation?: No

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes

Background Checks and Drug Screenings

Is your institution participating in the PharmCAS-facilitated Criminal Background Check (CBC) Service?: Yes

Is your institution participating in the PharmCAS-facilitated Drug Screening Service?: Yes

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes