Out-of-state students: We have an Out-of-State Tuition Academic Merit Award for high-achieving and academically strong out-of-state students. Read more:
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Submission Number: 4183
Submission ID: 131
Submission UUID: 294d3269-9210-4a34-b44c-20b1797f54ee
Submission URI: /publishedsurvey
Submission Update: /publishedsurvey?token=P6xc3fePA5uz82RSVGewsPmH0SdYDPEnGyoE5avH36A
Created: Wed, 09/11/2019 - 13:50
Completed: Tue, 05/21/2024 - 13:40
Changed: Tue, 05/21/2024 - 14:12
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Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English
Is draft: No
Current page: Complete
Webform: Pharm.D. School Directory
Submitted to: Published Survey
serial: '4183' sid: '131' uuid: 294d3269-9210-4a34-b44c-20b1797f54ee uri: /node/32 created: '1568224254' completed: '1716313234' changed: '1716315128' in_draft: '0' current_page: webform_confirmation remote_addr: uid: '403' langcode: en webform_id: pharmd_schooldirectory entity_type: node entity_id: '32' locked: '0' sticky: '0' notes: '' data: contact: - contact_email: erika.claxton@umontana.edu contact_extension: '' contact_name: 'Erika Claxton' contact_office: 'Skaggs Building room 341' contact_title: 'Program Coodinator' contact_work: 406-243-4656 - contact_email: rachael.zins@umontana.edu contact_extension: '' contact_name: 'Rachael Zins' contact_office: 'Skaggs Building room 321' contact_title: 'Clinical Pharmacy Specialist and Pre-pharmacy Coordinator' contact_work: 406-243-4665 contact_website: - 'http://health.umt.edu/pharmacy/' - 'http://www.umt.edu/pharmacy/' - 'https://www.facebook.com/UMTpharmacyschool/' - 'https://www.instagram.com/umtpharmacyschool/' - 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUF16LlC2NqWXkCngpL8rxQ' - 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRKgoTM2LAM' contact_info_done: - 'Yes' program_deadline_done: - 'Yes' satellite_text: { } ao_alternate_pathways_yes: { } program_info_done: - 'Yes' last_entering_class_done: - 'Yes' upcoming_entering_class_done: - 'Yes' dual_deg_checkboxes: - DUAL_DEG_MBA - DUAL_DEG_MPH - DUAL_DEG_MS - DUAL_DEG_PHD dual_degrees_done: - 'Yes' program_description_done: - 'Yes' gpa_criteria_done: - 'Yes' list_of_course_prerequisites: - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '6' pre_coursesubject: 'Anatomy & Physiology' pre_coursetitle: 'Human Form & Function (Human Anatomy & Physiology) 1 & 2' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '10' pre_coursesubject: Chemistry pre_coursetitle: 'College Chemistry I & 2 (with labs)' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '4' pre_coursesubject: Math pre_coursetitle: 'Applied Calculus ' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: 'English Composition / Writing' pre_coursetitle: 'College Writing I' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '4' pre_coursesubject: 'Biology/Biological Science' pre_coursetitle: 'Cell & Molecular Biology' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '8' pre_coursesubject: Chemistry pre_coursetitle: 'Organic Chemistry I & 2 (with at least 1 lab)' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '4' pre_coursesubject: Physics pre_coursetitle: 'College Physics' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '4' pre_coursesubject: Statistics pre_coursetitle: 'Intro to Statistics' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: 'Social/Behavioral Science' pre_coursetitle: 'Intro to Sociology or Psychology' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: 'Communication / Speech (Verbal)' pre_coursetitle: 'Public Speaking' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '14' pre_coursesubject: 'General Elective(s)' pre_coursetitle: Electives course_prereqs_done: - 'Yes' supplemental_materials_done: - 'Yes' tests_other_text: { } pcat_and_other_tests_done: - 'Yes' observation_hours_done: - 'Yes' evaluations_done: - 'Yes' residency_done: - 'Yes' for_cc_radio: - 'US Citizens' - 'US Permanent Residents' - 'Canadian Citizens' - 'Foreign (non-US) Citizens with a Visa' post_bs_program_offered: { } international_applicants_done: - 'Yes' interview_format: - INTERVIEW_IN interviews_done: - 'Yes' ac_first_date: - '2025-08-25' accepted_applicants_done: - 'Yes' background_checks_done: - 'Yes' sids: - '131' aacp_institution_number: '3600' ac_cpr: 'No' ac_deposit_details: 'An accepted student will need to send a nonrefundable deposit of $200 to reserve placement. This payment will be credited toward tuition upon enrollment.' ac_deposit_radio: 'Yes' ac_deposit_refundable: 'No' ac_firstday: '' acad_health: 'No' academic_term_type_2: 'Semester (2 terms per academic year)' academic_term_type_other_2: '' accred_status: '1' active: 'Yes' admin_status: Published ao_alternate_pathways: 'No' ao_alternate_pathways_other: '' ao_complete_bach: 'No' ao_complete_bachelor: '' ao_early_assurance: 'Yes' ao_ug_affiliation: 'Yes' application_deadline_description: '' application_fee: '' banner_image: '1920-57620170520_BearSunrise_McKnight_May 20, 2017 (1).jpg' cag_aacp: 'Yes' cbc_radio: 'Yes' ci_video_embed: format: restricted_html value: '<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/MWuNZYIwggA" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>' college_or_school_name: 'Skaggs School of Pharmacy' course_prerequisites_link: 'http://health.umt.edu/pharmacy/Prospective%20Students/Pre-pharmacy%20Program/Pre-Pharmacy%20Curriculum.php' credit_hour_policies: '' crit_gpa_info: 'Prerequisites must be taken for a letter grade. All required pre-pharmacy courses must be completed with a grade of C- or better. Grades lower than C- are not acceptable. Prerequisites must have been completed within ten years of application. ' crit_mingpa: '2.5' crit_prereqgpa: '2.5' curriculum_other: '' drug_radio: 'No' dual_conc_radio: 'Yes' dual_concurrent: '' dual_deg: 'Yes' dual_oth_desc: '' final_deadline_date: 'May 1, 2025' for_fc_radio: 'Yes' for_other: 'At least one year of prerequisites must be taken at an accredited college or university in the United States or Canada.' for_policy_radio: '1' foreign_pharmacist_additional_info: '' foreign_pharmacists_to_entry_level_program: 'No' institution_name: 'University of Montana' interview_link: 'http://health.umt.edu/pharmacy/Prospective%20Students/Pharm.D.%20Program/Pharm.D.%20Admission/default.php' interview_process: 'Online interviews will be offered once a month beginning in October. Applicants will be notified by e-mail if they qualify for an interview. Admission offers for strong candidates are made within one to two weeks of the interview. Students who are not initially offered a seat in the class may be reviewed for admission or a wait-list offer at the end of the review cycle.' lor_acc_radio: 'Yes' lor_c1a_radio: 'Not Accepted' lor_c1b_text: '' lor_c1c_radio: '' lor_c2a_radio: 'Not Accepted' lor_c2b_text: '' lor_c2c_radio: '' lor_details: 'Students applying for admission will be required to complete at least 20 hours of observation in a pharmacy or healthcare setting, preferably in a pharmacy. A volunteer or paid experience serving a patient population can be substituted for the observation hours. The PharmCAS letter of recommendation must be from someone involved with the applicant in such an observation/experience.' lor_likert: Clergy: 'NOT ACCEPTED' Co-Worker: 'NO ANSWER' Employer: ACCEPTED 'Faculty Advisor': 'NOT ACCEPTED' 'Family Member': 'NOT ACCEPTED' Friend: 'NOT ACCEPTED' 'Health Care Professional': ACCEPTED Pharmacist: ACCEPTED Politician: 'NO ANSWER' 'Pre-Health Advisor': 'NOT ACCEPTED' 'Professor (Any Subject Area)': 'NOT ACCEPTED' 'Professor (Liberal Arts)': 'NOT ACCEPTED' 'Professor (Math)': 'NOT ACCEPTED' 'Professor (Science)': 'NOT ACCEPTED' Supervisor: ACCEPTED 'Teaching Assistant': 'NOT ACCEPTED' lor_num_radio: '1' nonp_deadline: '' notify_title: |- Out-of-state students: We have an Out-of-State Tuition Academic Merit Award for high-achieving and academically strong out-of-state students. Read more: https://www.umt.edu/pharmacy/prospective-students/Pharm.D.%20Program/outofstatewaiver.php old_id: '2018' online_classes_for_prereqs: 'Non-Science Course Prerequisites': 'Yes' 'Science Course Prerequisites with Labs': Varies 'Science Course Prerequisites without Labs ': 'Yes' online_classes_open_text: '' online_interview_option: '1' pass_fail_classes_for_prereqs: 'Non-Science Course Prerequisites': 'No' 'Science Course Prerequisites with Labs': 'No' 'Science Course Prerequisites without Labs ': 'No' pass_fail_classes_open_text: '' pd_deg_pref: 'Not Required' phar_observation: 'Yes' phar_other_info: 'Students applying for admission will be required to complete at least 20 hours of observation of a medical or social field, preferably in a pharmacy. A volunteer or paid experience serving a patient population can be substituted for the observation hours. The PharmCAS letter of recommendation must be from someone involved with the applicant in such an observation/experience. The recommendation/evaluation form through PharmCAS must be submitted before an interview will be offered.' pi_video_embed: format: restricted_html value: '' post_bs_additional_info: '' post_bs_degree_abroad: 'No' pre_basic_hrs: '33' pre_complete: 'Ideally, prerequisites will be completed by the end of spring term prior to starting the pharmacy program in the autumn.' pre_other: '' pre_pharmacy_coursework_options: '2 years' pre_pharmacy_coursework_other: '' pre_quarter: '' pre_quarter_science: '' pre_semester: '64' priority_deadline_incentives: '' program_description: | The University of Montana Skaggs School of Pharmacy is located in beautiful Missoula, Montana. Missoula, as a city, provides a calm, inclusive, culturally-stimulating environment and offers a variety of sporting and outdoor activities to provide ample opportunities to rejuvenate and relieve stress. The Skaggs School of Pharmacy Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) program is nationally recognized for its quality of a patient-centered care and interprofessional training and activities, outreach programs, students’ success in passing national pharmacy licensure examination, job placement, and matches for postgraduate pharmacy education residencies. Our class environment ensures a small faculty-to-student ratio, provides for personal attention for each and every one of our students, and creates lifelong, supportive relationships among peers in your class as well as with faculty and administrators. As a pharmacy candidate in our program, you are not just a number but an individual. In addition, our PharmD students frequently comment that they enjoy small classes as it ensures they get to know each other well and can provide for cooperative, "we're all in this together" learning rather than harsh competition. Our PharmD curriculum integrates basic biomedical and pharmaceutical sciences, clinical, behavioral, social and administrative sciences and interprofessional education throughout all four years and focuses on the development of professional pharmacy leaders engaged in life-long learning, patient advocacy, and community service and outreach. Our students are prepared as medication experts to promote the health and well-being of individuals and communities as valuable members of the interprofessional health care teams. Depending on your career goals and interest, we also provide dual degrees: PharmD/MBA, PharmD/MPH, PharmD/MS in Pharmaceutical Sciences, and PharmD/PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences. program_location: MT program_structure: '4 years' pubpriv_inst: Public res_otherpref_radio: 'No' res_otherpref_text: |- Typically, students who are admitted with non-resident status will remain so for the duration of the professional program. University of Montana Residency Information: https://www.umt.edu/registrar/students/residencyinfo.php We have an Out-of-State Merit Award for high-achieving and academically strong out-of-state students: https://www.umt.edu/pharmacy/prospective-students/Pharm.D.%20Program/outofstatewaiver.php res_statepref_radio: 'No' sa_details: '' sa_fee_instructions: 'https://www.umt.edu/pharmacy/pharmd_payment.php' sa_fee_radio: 'Yes' sa_fee_text: $50.00 sa_link: '' sa_radio: 'No' school_city: Missoula school_country: US school_state: MT school_street_1: 'University of Montana' school_street_2: 'Skaggs School of Pharmacy' school_street_3: '32 Campus Drive' school_zip: '59812' seats_target_available_in_upcoming_class: '25' short_name: 'U of Montana' stats_classsize: '65' stats_early: '5' stats_last_filled_seats: '32' tests_other_radio: 'No' tests_other_tests: '' tests_tt_radio: 'Yes' tests_tt_text: 'The University of Montana requires TOEFL scores for international students who are not already enrolled at UM. ' what_is_the_priority_application_deadline_for_your_program_: 'December 2, 2024' yes_phar_observation: '20'