Applications are reviewed as they are received throughout the admissions cycle. For best consideration, apply by February 1, 2025.
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Submission Number: 4176
Submission ID: 124
Submission UUID: 13f107a0-57ed-4f89-b787-3efc962d0646
Submission URI: /publishedsurvey
Submission Update: /publishedsurvey?token=wvzrLbuB0U0s2wPKB5BtpQsEVkoRGFX3aMPWyM4ffPQ
Created: Fri, 09/13/2019 - 17:23
Completed: Thu, 06/13/2024 - 13:58
Changed: Mon, 02/03/2025 - 15:33
Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English
Is draft: No
Current page: Complete
Webform: Pharm.D. School Directory
Submitted to: Published Survey
serial: '4176' sid: '124' uuid: 13f107a0-57ed-4f89-b787-3efc962d0646 uri: /node/32 created: '1568409829' completed: '1718301491' changed: '1738614788' in_draft: '0' current_page: webform_confirmation remote_addr: uid: '403' langcode: en webform_id: pharmd_schooldirectory entity_type: node entity_id: '32' locked: '0' sticky: '0' notes: '' data: contact: - contact_email: contact_extension: '' contact_name: 'Debora Taylor, EdD' contact_office: 'Office of Student Affairs' contact_title: 'Associate Dean for Student Affairs' contact_work: 850-599-3016 contact_website: - '' contact_info_done: - 'Yes' program_deadline_done: - 'Yes' satellite_text: - 'Durrell Peadon Jr. Rural Pharmacy Education Campus 153 W. Woodruff Avenue, Crestview, FL 32536' ao_alternate_pathways_yes: { } program_info_done: - 'Yes' last_entering_class_done: - 'Yes' upcoming_entering_class_done: - 'Yes' dual_deg_checkboxes: { } dual_degrees_done: - 'Yes' program_description_done: - 'Yes' gpa_criteria_done: - 'Yes' list_of_course_prerequisites: - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '4' pre_coursesubject: Math pre_coursetitle: Calculus - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: Statistics pre_coursetitle: Statistics - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: 'Biology/Biological Science' pre_coursetitle: 'General Biology I' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '1' pre_coursesubject: 'Biology/Biological Science' pre_coursetitle: 'General Biology I Lab' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '2' pre_coursesubject: 'Biology/Biological Science' pre_coursetitle: 'General Biology II' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '2' pre_coursesubject: 'Biology/Biological Science' pre_coursetitle: 'General Biology II Lab' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: 'Anatomy & Physiology' pre_coursetitle: 'Anatomy & Physiology I' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '1' pre_coursesubject: 'Anatomy & Physiology' pre_coursetitle: 'Anatomy & Physiology I Lab' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: 'Anatomy & Physiology' pre_coursetitle: 'Anatomy & Physiology II' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '1' pre_coursesubject: 'Anatomy & Physiology' pre_coursetitle: 'Anatomy & Physiology II Lab' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: Chemistry pre_coursetitle: 'General Chemistry I' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '1' pre_coursesubject: Chemistry pre_coursetitle: 'General Chemistry I Lab' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: Chemistry pre_coursetitle: 'General Chemistry II' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '1' pre_coursesubject: Chemistry pre_coursetitle: 'General Chemistry I Lab ' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: Microbiology pre_coursetitle: Microbiology - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: Chemistry pre_coursetitle: 'Organic Chemistry I' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '1' pre_coursesubject: Chemistry pre_coursetitle: 'Organic Chemistry I Lab' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: Chemistry pre_coursetitle: 'Organic Chemistry II' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '1' pre_coursesubject: Chemistry pre_coursetitle: 'Organic Chemistry II Lab ' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: Biochemistry pre_coursetitle: Bio-Chemistry - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: 'English Composition / Writing' pre_coursetitle: 'English Comp I' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: 'English Composition / Writing' pre_coursetitle: 'English Comp II' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: Humanities pre_coursetitle: |- A total of 6 semester hours in Humanities is required for the program. ARH, HUM, LIT, MUL, PHI, THE, - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: Humanities pre_coursetitle: |- A total of 6 semester hours in Humanities is required for the program. ARH, HUM, LIT, MUL, PHI, THE, - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: 'Social/Behavioral Science' pre_coursetitle: 'Social Science (6 semester hours required for the program)' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: 'Social/Behavioral Science' pre_coursetitle: 'Social Science (6 semester hours required for the program)' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: 'General Elective(s)' pre_coursetitle: 'University-Specified General Education - 6 semester hours' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: 'General Elective(s)' pre_coursetitle: 'University-Specified General Education - 6 semester hours' course_prereqs_done: - 'Yes' supplemental_materials_done: - 'Yes' tests_other_text: { } pcat_and_other_tests_done: - 'Yes' observation_hours_done: - 'Yes' evaluations_done: - 'Yes' residency_done: - 'Yes' for_cc_radio: - 'US Citizens' - 'US Permanent Residents' post_bs_program_offered: { } international_applicants_done: - 'Yes' interview_format: - INTERVIEW_IN interviews_done: - 'Yes' ac_first_date: - '2024-08-26' accepted_applicants_done: - 'Yes' background_checks_done: - 'Yes' sids: - '124' aacp_institution_number: '1100' ac_cpr: 'No' ac_deposit_details: 'The University requires a $150.00 seat deposit to confirm the seat.' ac_deposit_radio: 'Yes' ac_deposit_refundable: 'No' ac_firstday: 'There is a mandatory New Student Orientation in the college August 19 - 23, 2024.' acad_health: 'Yes' academic_term_type_2: 'Semester (2 terms per academic year)' academic_term_type_other_2: '' accred_status: '1' active: 'Yes' admin_status: Published ao_alternate_pathways: 'No' ao_alternate_pathways_other: '' ao_complete_bach: 'No' ao_complete_bachelor: '' ao_early_assurance: 'No' ao_ug_affiliation: 'Yes' application_deadline_description: '' application_fee: '' banner_image: 'AACP(2) (003).jpg' cag_aacp: 'Yes' cbc_radio: 'No' ci_video_embed: format: restricted_html value: '' college_or_school_name: 'College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Institute of Public Health' course_prerequisites_link: '' credit_hour_policies: '' crit_gpa_info: '' crit_mingpa: '2.75' crit_prereqgpa: '2.75' curriculum_other: '' drug_radio: 'No' dual_conc_radio: 'No' dual_concurrent: '' dual_deg: 'No' dual_oth_desc: '' final_deadline_date: 'April 1, 2025' for_fc_radio: 'Yes' for_other: 'Our Program only accepts World Education Services and Educational Credential Evaluators, Inc.' for_policy_radio: '3' foreign_pharmacist_additional_info: '' foreign_pharmacists_to_entry_level_program: 'No' institution_name: 'Florida A&M University' interview_link: '' interview_process: "The College's interview process begins with the applicant being extended an invitation to interview based of program admission criteria. The applicants are administered an assessment before the interview. The Admission committee which consists of faculty, staff and students conduct interviews using a scoring rubric designed by the committee." lor_acc_radio: 'Yes' lor_c1a_radio: 'Not Accepted' lor_c1b_text: '' lor_c1c_radio: '' lor_c2a_radio: 'Not Accepted' lor_c2b_text: '' lor_c2c_radio: '' lor_details: |- Three (3) letters of recommendation and evaluation forms are required. To include one from a pharmacist, a professor, and another qualified professional who is familiar with you and can determine your likelihood for success in a Doctor of Pharmacy program. (Please note: Letters from peers or relatives are not accepted.) If you have attended a school or college of pharmacy, you must submit a letter of recommendation mailed directly from the dean of the school/college of pharmacy indicating your academic status. lor_likert: Clergy: 'NOT ACCEPTED' Co-Worker: 'NOT ACCEPTED' Employer: ACCEPTED 'Faculty Advisor': REQUIRED 'Family Member': 'NOT ACCEPTED' Friend: 'NOT ACCEPTED' 'Health Care Professional': ACCEPTED Pharmacist: REQUIRED Politician: ACCEPTED 'Pre-Health Advisor': REQUIRED 'Professor (Any Subject Area)': ACCEPTED 'Professor (Liberal Arts)': ACCEPTED 'Professor (Math)': ACCEPTED 'Professor (Science)': ACCEPTED Supervisor: ACCEPTED 'Teaching Assistant': 'NOT ACCEPTED' lor_num_radio: '3' nonp_deadline: '' notify_title: 'Applications are reviewed as they are received throughout the admissions cycle. For best consideration, apply by February 1, 2025.' old_id: '2030' online_classes_for_prereqs: 'Non-Science Course Prerequisites': 'No' 'Science Course Prerequisites with Labs': 'Yes' 'Science Course Prerequisites without Labs ': 'Yes' online_classes_open_text: 'Contact the Office of Student Affairs at 850-599-3016 for more information.' online_interview_option: '2' pass_fail_classes_for_prereqs: 'Non-Science Course Prerequisites': 'Yes, but only if no letter grade option available' 'Science Course Prerequisites with Labs': 'Yes, but only if no letter grade option available' 'Science Course Prerequisites without Labs ': 'Yes, but only if no letter grade option available' pass_fail_classes_open_text: 'The pass/fail grades were accepted during the Pandemic for Spring 2020 ONLY! For questions and/or concerns, please call Office of Student Affairs at 850-599-3016.' pd_deg_pref: 'Not Required' phar_observation: 'No' phar_other_info: '' pi_video_embed: format: restricted_html value: '' post_bs_additional_info: '' post_bs_degree_abroad: 'No' pre_basic_hrs: '38' pre_complete: 'Applicants should complete the course prerequisites the semester before enrollment. If there are any questions and/or concerns about the prerequisites, call the Office of Student Affairs at 850-599-3016.' pre_other: |- All biology, chemistry and anatomy & physiology courses must be for biology/premed or chemistry majors and include a laboratory component. PREFERRED LIST OF COURSES Humanities - PHI 2010 Intro to Philosophy * (3) - PHI 2101 Intro to Logic (3) - PHI 3601 Ethics (3) Social Science - ECO 2013 Principles of Economics I (3) - ECO 2023 Principles of Economics II (3) - PSY 2012 Introduction to Psychology (3) - SYG 2000 Introduction to Sociology (3) General Ed - AFA 2000 Intro to Afro-American Studies* or AFA 3104 Afro-American Experience* or AMH 2091 Afro-American History* (3) - HSC 1100 Health Modern Living (3) - SPC 2600 Public Speaking (3) - STA 2023 Intro. to Prob. & Statistics I (3) * Required Course pre_pharmacy_coursework_options: '4 years' pre_pharmacy_coursework_other: '' pre_quarter: '' pre_quarter_science: '' pre_semester: '72' priority_deadline_incentives: '' program_description: | The College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Institute of Public Health welcomes applications from qualified applicants into the Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) program. Graduates of the PharmD program will be eligible for licensure as a registered pharmacist upon graduation. The curriculum has been designed to produce pharmacists qualified to assume practice and leadership roles within the profession. Specific emphasis has been placed on students taking classes in the basic sciences (including basic pharmaceutical sciences), mathematics, biomedical and social sciences. The curriculum of the College has been approved and fully accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education. The admissions process for the College of Pharmacy is selective with limited enrollment. Although the recommended GPA for the professional program is a minimum of 2.75, a variety of other factors are considered. The goal is to produce a well-rounded general pharmacy practitioner who can think critically, work effectively in health-care settings and has the desire to provide care to all patients. Admission into the professional program at the first professional year is either in Tallahassee (main campus) or in Crestview, Florida. Lectures will be provided to students at the main campus and simultaneously delivered through synchronous technology to the student at Crestview in real time. Students must participate in PharmCAS and complete the University application (application fee is required). For more information please visit our website ( program_location: FL program_structure: '4 years' pubpriv_inst: Public res_otherpref_radio: 'No' res_otherpref_text: '' res_statepref_radio: 'No' sa_details: 'Non-FAMU applicants must apply to the University through University Office of Admission. The application fee is $35.00 and $150.00 seat deposit (to hold your seat in the program if extended an offer).' sa_fee_instructions: '' sa_fee_radio: 'No' sa_fee_text: '' sa_link: '' sa_radio: 'No' school_city: Tallahassee school_country: US school_state: FL school_street_1: '1415 South Martin Luther King Jr. BLVD.' school_street_2: '' school_street_3: '' school_zip: '32307' seats_target_available_in_upcoming_class: '70' short_name: 'Florida A&M U' stats_classsize: '120' stats_early: '0' stats_last_filled_seats: '51' tests_other_radio: 'No' tests_other_tests: '' tests_tt_radio: 'Yes' tests_tt_text: 'The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) required in order to apply to the College of Pharmacy' what_is_the_priority_application_deadline_for_your_program_: 'October 1, 2024' yes_phar_observation: ''