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Submission Number: 4173
Submission ID: 121
Submission UUID: be7eb6d9-2490-4d45-b8ac-924f435c0b9e
Submission URI: /publishedsurvey
Submission Update: /publishedsurvey?token=m3K5SsLD-vM8hetBYGwJ8CVYTDiTqlvOnvHHEmnFIk4
Created: Sat, 08/31/2019 - 05:51
Completed: Fri, 05/17/2024 - 13:14
Changed: Thu, 03/13/2025 - 14:46
Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English
Is draft: No
Current page: Complete
Webform: Pharm.D. School Directory
Submitted to: Published Survey
serial: '4173' sid: '121' uuid: be7eb6d9-2490-4d45-b8ac-924f435c0b9e uri: /node/32 created: '1567245063' completed: '1715966085' changed: '1741891600' in_draft: '0' current_page: webform_confirmation remote_addr: uid: '403' langcode: en webform_id: pharmd_schooldirectory entity_type: node entity_id: '32' locked: '0' sticky: '0' notes: '' data: contact: - contact_email: contact_extension: 1-7601 contact_name: 'Michael Kelsch, PharmD, BCPS' contact_office: 'Sudro Hall room 123' contact_title: 'Senior Associate Dean for Pharmacy / Professor' contact_work: 701-231-7601 contact_website: - '' contact_info_done: - 'Yes' program_deadline_done: - 'Yes' satellite_text: { } ao_alternate_pathways_yes: { } program_info_done: - 'Yes' last_entering_class_done: - 'Yes' upcoming_entering_class_done: - 'Yes' dual_deg_checkboxes: - DUAL_DEG_MBA - DUAL_DEG_MPH - DUAL_DEG_PHD dual_degrees_done: - 'Yes' program_description_done: - 'Yes' gpa_criteria_done: - 'Yes' list_of_course_prerequisites: - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: Other pre_coursetitle: 'PHRM 190 Critical Thinking, Academic, and Professional Skills for the Health Professions' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: 'English Composition / Writing' pre_coursetitle: 'ENGL 110 College Composition I' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: 'English Composition / Writing' pre_coursetitle: 'ENGL 120 College Composition II *' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: 'English Composition / Writing' pre_coursetitle: 'Upper Level English - ENGL 324 Writing in the Sciences or ENGL 325 Writing in the Health Professions' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: 'Communication / Speech (Verbal)' pre_coursetitle: 'COMM 110 Fundamentals of Public Speaking *' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '4' pre_coursesubject: Math pre_coursetitle: 'MATH 146 Applied Calculus I *' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: Physics pre_coursetitle: 'PHYS 211 College Physics I' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: Economics pre_coursetitle: 'ECON 201 Principles of Microeconomics *' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: Statistics pre_coursetitle: 'STAT 330 Introductory Statistics * ' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: 'Biology/Biological Science' pre_coursetitle: 'BIOL 150 General Biology I *' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '1' pre_coursesubject: 'Biology/Biological Science' pre_coursetitle: 'BIOL 150L General Biology I Lab *' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: 'Biology/Biological Science' pre_coursetitle: 'BIOL 151 General Biology II *' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '1' pre_coursesubject: 'Biology/Biological Science' pre_coursetitle: 'BIOL 151L General Biology II Lab *' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: 'Anatomy & Physiology' pre_coursetitle: 'BIOL 220 Human Anatomy & Physiology I *' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '1' pre_coursesubject: 'Anatomy & Physiology' pre_coursetitle: 'BIOL 220L Human Anatomy & Physiology I Lab *' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: 'Anatomy & Physiology' pre_coursetitle: 'BIOL 221 Human Anatomy & Physiology II' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '1' pre_coursesubject: 'Anatomy & Physiology' pre_coursetitle: 'BIOL 221L Human Anatomy & Physiology II Lab' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: Microbiology pre_coursetitle: 'MICR 350 General Microbiology *' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '2' pre_coursesubject: Microbiology pre_coursetitle: 'MICR 350L General Microbiology Lab *' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: Chemistry pre_coursetitle: 'CHEM 121 General Chemistry I *' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '1' pre_coursesubject: Chemistry pre_coursetitle: 'CHEM 121L General Chemistry I Lab' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: Chemistry pre_coursetitle: 'CHEM 122 General Chemistry II *' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '1' pre_coursesubject: Chemistry pre_coursetitle: 'CHEM 122L General Chemistry II Lab' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: Chemistry pre_coursetitle: 'CHEM 341 Organic Chemistry I *' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '1' pre_coursesubject: Chemistry pre_coursetitle: 'CHEM 341L Organic Chemistry I Lab ' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: Chemistry pre_coursetitle: 'CHEM 342 Organic Chemistry II' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: Biochemistry pre_coursetitle: 'BIOC 460 Biochemistry I' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: Biochemistry pre_coursetitle: 'BIOC 461 Biochemistry II' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '6' pre_coursesubject: Humanities pre_coursetitle: 'Humanities and Fine Arts Elective' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '2' pre_coursesubject: Other pre_coursetitle: 'Wellness Elective' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '6' pre_coursesubject: 'Social/Behavioral Science' pre_coursetitle: 'Social & Behavior Science Elective' - pre_courseqtr: '' pre_coursesem: '3' pre_coursesubject: Other pre_coursetitle: 'Cultural Diversity Elective' course_prereqs_done: - 'Yes' supplemental_materials_done: - 'Yes' tests_other_text: - Other pcat_and_other_tests_done: - 'Yes' observation_hours_done: - 'Yes' evaluations_done: - 'Yes' residency_done: - 'Yes' for_cc_radio: - 'US Citizens' - 'US Permanent Residents' - 'Canadian Citizens' - 'Foreign (non-US) Citizens with a Visa' - 'Foreign (non-US) Citizens' post_bs_program_offered: { } international_applicants_done: - 'Yes' interview_format: - INTERVIEW_MULM interviews_done: - 'Yes' ac_first_date: - '2025-08-25' accepted_applicants_done: - 'Yes' background_checks_done: - 'Yes' sids: - '121' aacp_institution_number: '4700' ac_cpr: 'No' ac_deposit_details: 'Once you matriculate into the P1 cohort, your $500 deposit will go towards the first semester fall tuition. ' ac_deposit_radio: 'Yes' ac_deposit_refundable: 'No' ac_firstday: '' acad_health: 'No' academic_term_type_2: 'Semester (2 terms per academic year)' academic_term_type_other_2: '' accred_status: '1' active: 'Yes' admin_status: Published ao_alternate_pathways: 'No' ao_alternate_pathways_other: '' ao_complete_bach: 'Yes' ao_complete_bachelor: |- Students must meet all of the university's undergraduate requirements prior to being awarded a bachelor's degree. For more information go to: ao_early_assurance: 'Yes' ao_ug_affiliation: 'No' application_deadline_description: 'A final application deadline of June 1 is available for interviews in June-July. Transfer and International students are urged to submit transcripts and applications as early as possible to assist the college with evaluation for equivalencies. ' application_fee: $150 banner_image: NDSU.banner2.jpg cag_aacp: 'No' cbc_radio: 'We are not a participating PharmCAS institution' ci_video_embed: format: restricted_html value: '<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>' college_or_school_name: 'School of Pharmacy' course_prerequisites_link: '' credit_hour_policies: '' crit_gpa_info: '' crit_mingpa: '3.0' crit_prereqgpa: '3.0' curriculum_other: '' drug_radio: 'We are not a participating PharmCAS institution' dual_conc_radio: 'No' dual_concurrent: '' dual_deg: 'Yes' dual_oth_desc: '' final_deadline_date: 'We are not a participating PharmCAS institution' for_fc_radio: 'Yes' for_other: 'NDSU must receive an official evaluation from a member of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (i.e. WES or ECE). You will need to apply initially through the NDSU International Office of Students Services and submit your evaluation to them 4-6 weeks prior to the application deadline to ensure course evaluations are completed in time. Once, this is completed you will fill out the School of Pharmacy application online and submit with a $150 application fee before November 1st for priority interviews and March 3 for 2nd round.' for_policy_radio: '2' foreign_pharmacist_additional_info: '' foreign_pharmacists_to_entry_level_program: 'No' institution_name: 'North Dakota State University' interview_link: '' interview_process: 'An interview on campus is part of the evaluation process for students who receive final consideration for admission. An online interview option will be available in cases when the campus is closed to visitors.' lor_acc_radio: 'No' lor_c1a_radio: 'Not Accepted' lor_c1b_text: '' lor_c1c_radio: '' lor_c2a_radio: 'Not Accepted' lor_c2b_text: '' lor_c2c_radio: '' lor_details: 'Evaluations (letters of reference) are NOT required by our institution. They will not be reviewed if submitted.' lor_likert: Clergy: 'NO ANSWER' Co-Worker: 'NO ANSWER' Employer: 'NO ANSWER' 'Faculty Advisor': 'NO ANSWER' 'Family Member': 'NO ANSWER' Friend: 'NO ANSWER' 'Health Care Professional': 'NO ANSWER' Pharmacist: 'NO ANSWER' Politician: 'NO ANSWER' 'Pre-Health Advisor': 'NO ANSWER' 'Professor (Any Subject Area)': 'NO ANSWER' 'Professor (Liberal Arts)': 'NO ANSWER' 'Professor (Math)': 'NO ANSWER' 'Professor (Science)': 'NO ANSWER' Supervisor: 'NO ANSWER' 'Teaching Assistant': 'NO ANSWER' lor_num_radio: '' nonp_deadline: '2025-06-01' notify_title: '' old_id: '2032' online_classes_for_prereqs: 'Non-Science Course Prerequisites': 'Yes' 'Science Course Prerequisites with Labs': 'Yes' 'Science Course Prerequisites without Labs ': 'Yes' online_classes_open_text: '' online_interview_option: '3' pass_fail_classes_for_prereqs: 'Non-Science Course Prerequisites': 'No' 'Science Course Prerequisites with Labs': 'No' 'Science Course Prerequisites without Labs ': 'No' pass_fail_classes_open_text: '' pd_deg_pref: 'Not Required' phar_observation: 'No' phar_other_info: '' pi_video_embed: format: restricted_html value: '<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>' post_bs_additional_info: '' post_bs_degree_abroad: 'No' pre_basic_hrs: '47' pre_complete: |- For students who are applying through the Early Admissions Pathway and the Traditional Pathway, all core courses MUST be completed by the end of the fall semester in which students are applying to the pharmacy program. ALL remaining courses must be completed the last spring semester pre-requisite courses are taken. Post-Baccalaureate Pathway applicants who have completed a bachelor degree by the end of the spring semester in which they have applied will be evaluated on an individual basis. pre_other: |- * Denotes core courses used in admission GPA. All required Courses MUST be Completed with at Least a Grade of "C" In order to apply for the professional program. For information on equivalents to NDSU courses go to Information on all required coursework for each admissions pathway can be found here: pre_pharmacy_coursework_options: '3 years' pre_pharmacy_coursework_other: '' pre_quarter: '' pre_quarter_science: '' pre_semester: '78' priority_deadline_incentives: '' program_description: |+ We offer several pathways in which one can meet our admission requirements and pursue a Doctor of Pharmacy degree. The Early Admissions Pathway and the Traditional Pathway, are for students who do not hold a bachelor degree in a health or STEM-related field. Our pre-professional curriculum requires the completion of approximately 77 hours of coursework. Some students can complete this work in two years, while other students may take three years. In what follows, we will refer to a two year pre-pharmacy curriculum with the possibility of a three year track implied where necessary. In the first two years of the curriculum (prepharmacy), emphasis is placed on chemical, biological, administrative, behavioral or social sciences, and humanities needed for the four-year professional pharmacy curriculum. The third, fourth and fifth years provide the students with the professional educational background necessary for the sixth year of clinical rotations. In addition to general adult medicine, students may pursue rotations in specialized areas of interest such as pediatrics, oncology, infectious disease, cardiology, ambulatory care, critical care, rural health, and managed care. For the Post-Baccalaureate Pathway - Applicants who hold a bachelor degree in a health-related, biological, physical, or chemical sciences field may apply through our Post-Baccalaureate Pathway. Pathway requirements are substantially streamlined, and applicants are evaluated on an individual basis. For more information on our different pathways go to: Traditional Pathway: Early Assurance Pathway (EAP): Post Baccalaureate Admission Pathway: program_location: ND program_structure: '4 years' pubpriv_inst: Public res_otherpref_radio: 'No' res_otherpref_text: 'Preference is given to students who complete some or all prerequisite coursework at North Dakota State University or another college or university in the North Dakota University System.' res_statepref_radio: 'Yes' sa_details: 'Students will need to fill out a general university admission application (transfer undergraduate) and send transcripts to the general university admissions office. Once this is completed, they will fill out an application for the School of Pharmacy and submit this along with a $150 application fee. ' sa_fee_instructions: '' sa_fee_radio: 'We are not a participating PharmCAS institution' sa_fee_text: '' sa_link: '' sa_radio: 'We are not a participating PharmCAS institution' school_city: Fargo school_country: US school_state: ND school_street_1: '1401 Albrecht Blvd' school_street_2: 'Dept 2650' school_street_3: '' school_zip: '58102' seats_target_available_in_upcoming_class: '85' short_name: 'North Dakota St U' stats_classsize: '85' stats_early: '41' stats_last_filled_seats: '50' tests_other_radio: 'Yes' tests_other_tests: 'We require the Health Sciences Reasoning Test (HSRT), which is completed by students on interview day.' tests_tt_radio: 'Yes' tests_tt_text: 'Send TOEFL scores directly to NDSU. The TOEFL may be required for admission to university as a whole, not specifically or exclusively the Doctor of Pharmacy program. Please contact the NDSU International Office of Students Services for more information.' what_is_the_priority_application_deadline_for_your_program_: 'We are not a participating PharmCAS institution' yes_phar_observation: ''