Published Survey
Submission Number: 4053
Submission ID: 1
Submission UUID: 7dd1457c-7c78-4e8f-9ea6-a03bd22df730
Submission URI: /publishedsurvey

Created: Tue, 09/10/2019 - 10:46
Completed: Thu, 06/13/2024 - 10:15
Changed: Fri, 01/24/2025 - 08:51

Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English

Is draft: No
Current page: Complete
Submitted to: Published Survey

serial: '4053'
sid: '1'
uuid: 7dd1457c-7c78-4e8f-9ea6-a03bd22df730
uri: /node/32
created: '1568126767'
completed: '1718288156'
changed: '1737726716'
in_draft: '0'
current_page: webform_confirmation
uid: '403'
langcode: en
webform_id: pharmd_schooldirectory
entity_type: node
entity_id: '32'
locked: '0'
sticky: '0'
notes: ''
    - contact_email:
      contact_extension: ''
      contact_name: 'Katie Palmer'
      contact_office: 'Office of Admissions'
      contact_title: 'Senior Associate Director, Pharmacy Admissions'
      contact_work: 518-694-7868
    - ''
    - ''
    - 'Yes'
    - 'Yes'
  satellite_text: {  }
  ao_alternate_pathways_yes: {  }
    - 'Yes'
    - 'Yes'
    - 'Yes'
    - DUAL_OTH
    - 'Yes'
    - 'Yes'
    - 'Yes'
    - pre_courseqtr: '12'
      pre_coursesem: '8'
      pre_coursesubject: Chemistry
      pre_coursetitle: 'General Chemistry with Lab'
    - pre_courseqtr: '12'
      pre_coursesem: '8'
      pre_coursesubject: Chemistry
      pre_coursetitle: 'Organic Chemistry with Lab'
    - pre_courseqtr: '12'
      pre_coursesem: '8'
      pre_coursesubject: 'Biology/Biological Science'
      pre_coursetitle: 'General Biology with Lab'
    - pre_courseqtr: '4'
      pre_coursesem: '3'
      pre_coursesubject: 'Biology/Biological Science'
      pre_coursetitle: 'Biology selective (generally 200-level or above)'
    - pre_courseqtr: '4'
      pre_coursesem: '3'
      pre_coursesubject: Physics
      pre_coursetitle: 'Physics with Lab '
    - pre_courseqtr: '4'
      pre_coursesem: '3'
      pre_coursesubject: Math
      pre_coursetitle: 'Calculus '
    - pre_courseqtr: '4'
      pre_coursesem: '3'
      pre_coursesubject: Statistics
      pre_coursetitle: Statistics
    - pre_courseqtr: '4'
      pre_coursesem: '3'
      pre_coursesubject: 'Social/Behavioral Science'
      pre_coursetitle: 'Social Science'
    - pre_courseqtr: '12'
      pre_coursesem: '9'
      pre_coursesubject: Humanities
      pre_coursetitle: Humanities
    - pre_courseqtr: '12'
      pre_coursesem: '9'
      pre_coursesubject: 'General Elective(s)'
      pre_coursetitle: 'At least 6 of the 9 credits must be Liberal Arts'
    - pre_courseqtr: '3'
      pre_coursesem: '3'
      pre_coursesubject: 'Communication / Speech (Verbal)'
      pre_coursetitle: 'Public Speaking/ Communication'
    - 'Yes'
    - 'Yes'
  tests_other_text: {  }
    - 'Yes'
    - 'Yes'
    - 'Yes'
    - 'Yes'
    - 'US Citizens'
    - 'US Permanent Residents'
    - 'US Temporary Residents'
    - 'Canadian Citizens'
    - 'Foreign (non-US) Citizens with a Visa'
    - 'Foreign (non-US) Citizens'
    - 'Other Non-Citizens (e.g. DACA Students)'
  post_bs_program_offered: {  }
    - 'Yes'
    - 'Yes'
    - '2025-08-25'
    - 'Yes'
    - 'Yes'
    - '1'
  aacp_institution_number: '4400'
  ac_cpr: 'No'
  ac_deposit_details: 'A deposit of $400 total is required to be paid in 2 installments: the first $200 enrollment deposit is required within 3 weeks of notification of acceptance; the second is due on March 1st, or 3 weeks after first deposit deadline if acceptance is after March 1st. '
  ac_deposit_radio: 'Yes'
  ac_deposit_refundable: 'No'
  ac_firstday: 'Upon acceptance, students gain access to an admissions portal with follow up information regarding acceptance, events, documents, and more.'
  acad_health: 'No'
  academic_term_type_2: 'Semester (2 terms per academic year)'
  academic_term_type_other_2: ''
  accred_status: '1'
  active: 'Yes'
  admin_status: Published
  ao_alternate_pathways: 'No'
  ao_alternate_pathways_other: ''
  ao_complete_bach: 'Yes'
  ao_complete_bachelor: "Students who enter ACPHS for the professional Doctor of Pharmacy program (or earlier) can earn a Bachelor's in Pharmaceutical Sciences, with minimal additional credits required above the PharmD curriculum."
  ao_early_assurance: 'Yes'
  ao_ug_affiliation: 'Yes'
  application_deadline_description: 'The deadline to apply is June 2nd, 2025, however we review applications and invite qualified candidates to interview on a rolling basis, with acceptances to follow. Candidates are encouraged to apply earlier in the cycle to ensure adequate time to complete prerequisites (if needed), participate in activities for enrolling students, and more.'
  application_fee: ''
  banner_image: BN0I2909y_1.jpg
  cag_aacp: 'Yes'
  cbc_radio: 'Yes'
    format: restricted_html
    value: '<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>'
  college_or_school_name: 'Albany College'
  course_prerequisites_link: ''
  credit_hour_policies: ''
  crit_gpa_info: 'Preferred GPA is greater than 2.75.'
  crit_mingpa: '2.5'
  crit_prereqgpa: '2.5'
  curriculum_other: ''
  drug_radio: 'No'
  dual_conc_radio: 'No'
  dual_concurrent: |-
    Joint degrees that can be earned alongside the PharmD are: PharmD/ MS in Pharmaceutical Sciences, and PharmD/ MS in Biomanufacturing and Bioprocessing. When obtained within the 4 years of the PharmD program, there is no additional tuition cost to earn the second degree. 

    We also offer a PharmD/MBA in partnership with Clarkson University, in which tuition is paid to the partner institution for those courses.
  dual_deg: 'Yes'
  dual_oth_desc: |-
    We offer a BS/PharmD in Pharmaceutical Sciences, and PharmD/MS as described separately.

    Minors in Public Health, Microbiology, and Medical Humanities are also offered. 
  final_deadline_date: 'June 2, 2025'
  for_fc_radio: 'Yes'
  for_other: 'ACPHS accepts WES and ECE evaluations only.'
  for_policy_radio: '1'
  foreign_pharmacist_additional_info: |-
    All applicants are required to complete prerequisites prior to entry. A course by course evaluation from WES or ECE of international college/university coursework will determine if prerequisites are completed or if additional coursework is required before matriculation into the professional Doctor of Pharmacy program.

    Prerequisites can be found here:
  foreign_pharmacists_to_entry_level_program: 'Yes'
  institution_name: 'Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences'
  interview_link: ''
  interview_process: "Qualified applicants will be invited for virtual and on campus interviews throughout the year. Interviewees meet with ACPHS faculty and staff or current students to discuss their motivation for a pharmacy career, their experience in healthcare, and leadership roles. Interviewees' communication skills, professionalism, and maturity are assessed."
  lor_acc_radio: 'Yes'
  lor_c1a_radio: 'Conditionally Accepted'
  lor_c1b_text: 'If the committee letter is a single letter with excerpts from various individuals, it is considered one letter; if the committee letter/file contains distinct, full letters each from a single individual, we will consider it as more than one evaluation.'
  lor_c1c_radio: Varies
  lor_c2a_radio: 'Conditionally Accepted'
  lor_c2b_text: 'If the committee letter is a single letter with excerpts from various individuals, it is considered one letter; if the committee letter/file contains distinct, full letters each from a single individual, we will consider it as more than one evaluation.'
  lor_c2c_radio: Varies
  lor_details: 'ACPHS requires two letters from academic or professional sources.  '
    Clergy: 'NOT ACCEPTED'
    Co-Worker: 'NOT ACCEPTED'
    Employer: ACCEPTED
    'Faculty Advisor': ACCEPTED
    'Family Member': 'NOT ACCEPTED'
    Friend: 'NOT ACCEPTED'
    'Health Care Professional': 'CONDITIONALLY ACCEPTED'
    Politician: 'NOT ACCEPTED'
    'Pre-Health Advisor': ACCEPTED
    'Professor (Any Subject Area)': ACCEPTED
    'Professor (Liberal Arts)': ACCEPTED
    'Professor (Math)': ACCEPTED
    'Professor (Science)': ACCEPTED
    Supervisor: ACCEPTED
    'Teaching Assistant': 'CONDITIONALLY ACCEPTED'
  lor_num_radio: '2'
  nonp_deadline: ''
  notify_title: ''
  old_id: '404'
    'Non-Science Course Prerequisites': 'Yes'
    'Science Course Prerequisites with Labs': 'Yes'
    'Science Course Prerequisites without Labs ': 'Yes'
  online_classes_open_text: 'Prerequisites must be completed with an institution that is regionally accredited.'
  online_interview_option: '1'
    'Non-Science Course Prerequisites': Varies
    'Science Course Prerequisites with Labs': Varies
    'Science Course Prerequisites without Labs ': Varies
  pass_fail_classes_open_text: 'We will fulfill prerequisite requirements with courses earning a Pass grade (Pass/Fail grading system) for those semesters impacted by COVID 19 (Spring 2020 through Spring 2021).'
  pd_deg_pref: 'Not Required'
  phar_observation: 'No'
  phar_other_info: ''
    format: restricted_html
    value: '<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>'
  post_bs_additional_info: ''
  post_bs_degree_abroad: 'No'
  pre_basic_hrs: '30'
  pre_complete: |-
    Prerequisites can be outstanding during the application process. If all else is satisfactory, a conditional acceptance will be awarded. All prerequisites must be complete by the start of orientation at the end of August.
    Microbiology with lab is required before the P2 spring semester. If applicants have the opportunity to take the course prior to enrollment, it is recommended. 
  pre_other: |-
    No credit will be accepted for grades lower than "C".

    Physical education courses can not fulfill prerequisites. 

    Science courses should be those required by science majors

    Examples of Humanities are English literature, composition, U.S. history, Western Civilization, or cross-disciplinary humanities courses

    Examples of Social Sciences are Psychology, Anthropology, Sociology, and Economics

    Examples of Liberal Arts electives art, music, sociology, history, psychology, anthropology, foreign language, political science, economics and English

    Public Speaking may be fulfilled with any course or experience with a significant public speaking component.

    Please contact the Pharmacy Admissions for more information:
  pre_pharmacy_coursework_options: '2 years'
  pre_pharmacy_coursework_other: ''
  pre_quarter: '90'
  pre_quarter_science: '48'
  pre_semester: '63'
  priority_deadline_incentives: ''
  program_description: 'Welcome to Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, home to an exceptional Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) Program that paves the way for aspiring pharmacists to make a profound impact on patient care and public health. Our renowned program combines a comprehensive curriculum, cutting-edge research opportunities, and immersive clinical experiences to shape well-rounded professionals ready to navigate the dynamic landscape of pharmacy. With state-of-the-art facilities, dedicated faculty, and a supportive community, we foster a collaborative learning environment that empowers students to excel in their studies and develop the skills necessary to become leaders in the field. Embark on a transformative journey where passion for healthcare meets the pursuit of excellence—join us in shaping the future of pharmacy at Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences.'
  program_location: NY
  program_structure: '4 years'
  pubpriv_inst: Private
  res_otherpref_radio: 'No'
  res_otherpref_text: ''
  res_statepref_radio: 'No'
  sa_details: ''
  sa_fee_instructions: ''
  sa_fee_radio: 'No'
  sa_fee_text: ''
  sa_link: ''
  sa_radio: 'No'
  school_city: Albany
  school_country: US
  school_state: NY
  school_street_1: '106 New Scotland Ave'
  school_street_2: ''
  school_street_3: ''
  school_zip: '12208 '
  seats_target_available_in_upcoming_class: '108'
  short_name: 'Albany CPHS'
  stats_classsize: '108'
  stats_early: '43'
  stats_last_filled_seats: '80'
  tests_other_radio: 'No'
  tests_other_tests: ''
  tests_tt_radio: 'Yes'
  tests_tt_text: 'Non-native English applicants will be required to submit the TOEFL unless English has been the primary language of instruction for four or more years, or the applicant is a US or Canadian citizen/permanent resident. IELTS and Duolingo are also accepted by ACPHS.'
  what_is_the_priority_application_deadline_for_your_program_: None
  yes_phar_observation: ''