Published Survey
Submission Number: 4138
Submission ID: 86
Submission UUID: 08675c80-4291-4aea-984d-c0fd93288bcb
Submission URI: /publishedsurvey

Created: Fri, 08/23/2019 - 07:36
Completed: Fri, 06/07/2024 - 19:42
Changed: Mon, 06/10/2024 - 13:27

Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English

Is draft: No
Current page: Complete
Submitted to: Published Survey

serial: '4138'
sid: '86'
uuid: 08675c80-4291-4aea-984d-c0fd93288bcb
uri: /node/32
created: '1566560201'
completed: '1717803747'
changed: '1718040450'
in_draft: '0'
current_page: webform_confirmation
uid: '403'
langcode: en
webform_id: pharmd_schooldirectory
entity_type: node
entity_id: '32'
locked: '0'
sticky: '0'
notes: ''
  aacp_institution_number: '6800'
  academic_term_type_2: 'Semester (2 terms per academic year)'
  academic_term_type_other_2: ''
  acad_health: 'Yes'
    - 'Yes'
  accred_status: '1'
  active: 'Yes'
  ac_cpr: 'No'
  ac_deposit_details: 'We require a deposit of $500 upon accepting an offer to the UofU PharmD Program. If a student matriculates, this deposit will be reimbursed to them minus additional course fees not covered by the First Year Free Scholarship.  '
  ac_deposit_radio: 'Yes'
  ac_deposit_refundable: 'No'
  ac_firstday: 'Late August - 2025. TBA'
    - '2025-08-18'
  admin_status: Published
  ao_alternate_pathways: 'No'
  ao_alternate_pathways_other: ''
  ao_complete_bach: 'No'
  ao_complete_bachelor: ''
  ao_early_assurance: 'Yes'
  ao_ug_affiliation: 'No'
  application_deadline_description: ''
  application_fee: ''
    - 'Yes'
  banner_image: 1500x500.jpg
  cag_aacp: 'Yes'
  cbc_radio: 'Yes'
    format: restricted_html
    value: ''
  college_or_school_name: 'College of Pharmacy'
    - contact_email:
      contact_extension: ''
      contact_name: 'Kamryn Shepherd'
      contact_office: 'Student Affairs '
      contact_title: 'Academic Advisor '
      contact_work: '8015817046'
    - 'Yes'
    - ''
    - 'Yes'
  course_prerequisites_link: ''
  credit_hour_policies: ''
  crit_gpa_info: ''
  crit_mingpa: '2.75'
  crit_prereqgpa: '2.8'
  curriculum_other: ''
  drug_radio: 'No'
  dual_concurrent: ''
  dual_conc_radio: 'Yes'
  dual_deg: 'Yes'
    - 'Yes'
  dual_oth_desc: ''
    - 'Yes'
  final_deadline_date: 'June 2, 2025'
  foreign_pharmacists_to_entry_level_program: 'Yes'
  foreign_pharmacist_additional_info: ''
    - 'US Citizens'
    - 'US Permanent Residents'
    - 'US Temporary Residents'
    - 'Canadian Citizens'
    - 'Foreign (non-US) Citizens with a Visa'
    - 'Foreign (non-US) Citizens'
    - 'Other Non-Citizens (e.g. DACA Students)'
  for_fc_radio: 'Yes'
  for_other: 'A course-by-course foreign transcript evaluation report must be sent to PharmCAS.  WES (World Education Services) is the only transcript evaluation that will be accepted by the University of Utah, College of Pharmacy.'
  for_policy_radio: '4'
    - 'Yes'
  institution_name: 'University of Utah'
    - 'Yes'
    - 'Yes'
  interview_link: ''
  interview_process: 'On-site interviews are required for invited applicants, with exception of individual extenuating circumstances handled on a case-by-case basis.'
    - 'Yes'
    - pre_courseqtr: '4'
      pre_coursesem: '3'
      pre_coursesubject: 'General Elective(s)'
      pre_coursetitle: 'General Education Requirements (hours vary depending on the undergraduate school) '
    - pre_courseqtr: '10'
      pre_coursesem: '8'
      pre_coursesubject: Chemistry
      pre_coursetitle: 'General Chemistry I & II with Labs'
    - pre_courseqtr: '4'
      pre_coursesem: '3'
      pre_coursesubject: Anatomy
      pre_coursetitle: 'Human Anatomy (No lab needed) **If the course is a combined Human Anatomy/Physiology course, 2 semesters are required. 4-5 quarter hour classes will be considered the equivalent of a 3 credit hour semester course.  '
    - pre_courseqtr: '4'
      pre_coursesem: '3'
      pre_coursesubject: Physiology
      pre_coursetitle: 'Human Physiology (No lab needed)  **If the course is a combined Human Anatomy/Physiology course, 2 semesters are required. 4-5 quarter hour classes will be considered the equivalent of a 3 credit hour semester course.  '
    - pre_courseqtr: '4'
      pre_coursesem: '3'
      pre_coursesubject: Math
      pre_coursetitle: 'Calculus I '
    - pre_courseqtr: '10'
      pre_coursesem: '8'
      pre_coursesubject: Chemistry
      pre_coursetitle: 'Organic Chemistry I & II with Labs'
    - pre_courseqtr: '4'
      pre_coursesem: '3'
      pre_coursesubject: Physics
      pre_coursetitle: 'General Physics I (no lab needed)'
    - pre_courseqtr: '4'
      pre_coursesem: '3'
      pre_coursesubject: Microbiology
      pre_coursetitle: 'Microbiology (no lab needed)'
    - pre_courseqtr: '4'
      pre_coursesem: '3'
      pre_coursesubject: 'Communication / Speech (Verbal)'
      pre_coursetitle: 'Professional/Technical Writing or Public Speaking'
    - pre_courseqtr: '4'
      pre_coursesem: '3'
      pre_coursesubject: Statistics
      pre_coursetitle: 'Statistics '
  lor_acc_radio: 'Yes'
  lor_c1a_radio: Accepted
  lor_c1b_text: ''
  lor_c1c_radio: 'No'
  lor_c2a_radio: Accepted
  lor_c2b_text: ''
  lor_c2c_radio: 'No'
  lor_details: 'Two (2) recommendation forms and letters of recommendation are required and must be submitted through the PharmCAS application. The University of Utah College of Pharmacy requires a minimum of two letters of recommendations and will accept up to a total of four letters. These letters should come from a source who can speak to your professional demeanor, accountability and maturity and who you have had a relationship with over an extended period of time. This ability to provide insight into these principles is more important than the title or role of the letter writer. Letters may come from an employer or volunteer supervisor, professor, teaching assistant, or healthcare professional who you have associated with in a professional setting. The committee will NOT accept letters from family members, friends, fraternity/sorority advisors, clergy, personal health care providers, high school faculty/advisors, or job shadow only professionals.'
    Clergy: 'NOT ACCEPTED'
    Co-Worker: 'NOT ACCEPTED'
    Employer: ACCEPTED
    'Faculty Advisor': ACCEPTED
    'Family Member': 'NOT ACCEPTED'
    Friend: 'NOT ACCEPTED'
    'Health Care Professional': 'RECOMMENDED BUT NOT REQUIRED'
    'Pre-Health Advisor': ACCEPTED
    'Professor (Any Subject Area)': ACCEPTED
    'Professor (Liberal Arts)': ACCEPTED
    'Professor (Math)': ACCEPTED
    'Professor (Science)': ACCEPTED
    Supervisor: REQUIRED
    'Teaching Assistant': 'CONDITIONALLY ACCEPTED'
  lor_num_radio: '2'
  nonp_deadline: ''
  notify_title: ''
    - 'Yes'
  old_id: '492'
    'Non-Science Course Prerequisites': Varies
    'Science Course Prerequisites with Labs': Varies
    'Science Course Prerequisites without Labs ': Varies
  online_classes_open_text: ''
  online_interview_option: '2'
    'Non-Science Course Prerequisites': 'Not Applicable'
    'Science Course Prerequisites with Labs': 'Not Applicable'
    'Science Course Prerequisites without Labs ': 'Not Applicable'
  pass_fail_classes_open_text: ''
    - 'Yes'
  pd_deg_pref: 'Not Required'
  phar_observation: NR
  phar_other_info: ''
    format: restricted_html
    value: '<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>'
  post_bs_additional_info: ''
  post_bs_degree_abroad: 'No'
  pre_basic_hrs: '24'
  pre_complete: 'Pre-requisite courses must be complete by the Spring or Summer term prior to matriculation in the Fall term. '
  pre_other: |
    For more questions on prerequisite courses and AP credit, please visit: 
    In addition to the pre-pharmacy required courses, the general education requirements must be met PRIOR TO ENTRY into the Pharm.D. program.  For more information about the University's general education requirements, please visit:  
    Questions about generals can be directed to: 
    NOTE: Applicants attending a college outside of the University of Utah should follow the General Education requirements as outlined by their undergraduate institution.
  pre_pharmacy_coursework_options: '2 years'
  pre_pharmacy_coursework_other: ''
  pre_quarter: ''
  pre_quarter_science: ''
  pre_semester: '60'
  priority_deadline_incentives: ''
    - 'Yes'
  program_description: |
    Check out the exciting opportunities the University of Utah College of Pharmacy has to offer you: 
    Beginning in 2023, the University of Utah College of Pharmacy’s is offering the First Year Free Scholarship. All student accepted into our program will have the opportunity to take advantage of this unique initiative.
    Through the contributions of generous donors and with the support of the University, every accepted student will receive a scholarship that covers their full first-year tuition.  This is NOT a deferred payment plan. As the name implies, every accepted member of our PharmD program will receive a full-tuition scholarship. Please note: This does not include housing, food, or other non-tuition expenses.
    This new scholarship program will increase both the access and affordability of pharmacy education and allow our first-year students to focus on their studies and overall college experience at the U, with fewer financial stresses.
    The College of Pharmacy has well-equipped facilities to train students in all areas of the pharmaceutical sciences and professional practice.
    The student-faculty ratio in all programs is small, so students receive concentrated, individual attention. The faculty, many of whom are recognized authorities in their areas of specialization, are committed to providing each student with a valuable educational experience. Since the college is located within the Health Sciences Center, pharmacy students can interact on a daily basis with students who are training in the other health professions and sciences. Student professional organizations are active on campus and provide students with the opportunity to participate in extracurricular service and social activities. 
    We invite you to visit and reach out to our admissions advisors for further information.
    - 'Yes'
    - 'Yes'
  program_location: UT
  program_structure: '4 years'
  pubpriv_inst: Public
    - 'Yes'
  res_otherpref_radio: 'No'
  res_otherpref_text: 'The University of Utah will allow students to gain residency in Utah for tuition purposes. Following the First Year Free Scholarship, students may be charged at an in-state tuition rate, versus the increased cost for out-of-state students (not applicable to international students) if they complete specific requirements dictated by the University. Feel free to reach out to our admissions advisors for more information. '
  res_statepref_radio: 'No'
    - None
  sa_details: |
    The College of Pharmacy is a part of the Graduate School of the University of Utah. ALL students who are accepted to the Pharm.D. program MUST also apply to the University of Utah Graduate School. Neither a bachelor's degree nor the GRE is required for Pharm.D. applicants. Please do not complete this application until you have received confirmation of acceptance. 
    Please note:   
    The program designation you should choose on the application is "Pharmacy DPH".  The following information is NOT required to be submitted through your graduate school application.  Resume, Statement of Purpose, Writing sample, Faculty information and Recommendation letters.
  sa_fee_instructions: ''
  sa_fee_radio: 'Yes'
  sa_fee_text: $65
  sa_link: ''
  sa_radio: 'Yes'
  school_city: 'Salt Lake City'
  school_country: US
  school_state: UT
  school_street_1: '30 South 2000 East Room 105'
  school_street_2: ''
  school_street_3: ''
  school_zip: '84112'
  seats_target_available_in_upcoming_class: '60'
  short_name: 'U of Utah'
    - '86'
  stats_classsize: '62'
  stats_early: '61'
  stats_last_filled_seats: '50'
    - 'Yes'
  tests_other_radio: 'No'
  tests_other_tests: ''
  tests_tt_radio: 'Yes'
  tests_tt_text: |
    An applicant whose first language is not English will be required to take some sort of English Literacy Exam. To be considered for admission, applicants will need to submit a test score for whatever test/exam they choose. Listed below are approved forms of English literacy and the scores an applicant will need to meet the requirement. For more information, you may contact the University of Utah, Graduate School Admissions with questions about international matters. A waiver may be granted in place of an English literacy exam if the applicant received a high school diploma from a United States institution, otherwise one of the following exams will be required:
    TOEFL iBT: 80 or higher
    DUOLINGO: 105 or higher
    - 'Yes'
  what_is_the_priority_application_deadline_for_your_program_: 'November 1, 2024'
  yes_phar_observation: ''